Linking Leader Note to Product Composition

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This section describes linking leader notes to product composition using the basic Leader Note command. Alternatively, you can use special commands for creating assembly drawing's balloons, bend notes and weld symbols.

Use the following automenu option to establish a link between leader note's text and product composition item's position number:



Link to Product Composition

Activating this option invokes the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition tool window, if it isn't already displayed.

Then you need to select a shoulder, whose text will be linked to the position number. Selection of a shoulder is performed in the list of the Multiple Jogs tab of the command's parameters window. The top row of the list is the main shoulder of the leader note, other rows - additional shoulders. If a text of a shoulder is empty, then a corresponding row of the list is also empty, but still selectable. Click mouse left a row to select it. Then click a necessary item in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window. In result, the position number of the selected item becomes the text of the selected shoulder. If text of a shoulder is linked to the product composition, then it is shown in curly brackets in leader note's parameters.


T-FLEX DOCs Product Structure positions

When working in the T-FLEX DOCs integration mode, contextual menus of elements in the DOCsPES20x20 Product Structure DOCs tool window contain the Leader20x20 Insert Callout command. It can be used for creating a Leader Note with a position of selected DOCs product structure item used as the main shoulder's text. Rest of leader note's parameters are defined in the same way as when using the basic Leader Note command.