Creating most operations requires to select existing elements of a particular type (points, planes, surfaces etc.), direction vectors, tangency conditions etc.
Activating an input box in command's parameters window or an automenu option activates filters of geometry type in addition to element's type filters. Such filters are also shown either in the filter toolbar or in the system toolbar and allow to define the type of selected element more precisely.
Each geometric type has its own drop-down list containing possible methods of defining the type. Geometry type filters automatically fit the context of selection. E.g.: when selecting an axis of rotation within the Rotation command,the Axis geometry type is automatically activated with its full list of methods.
Click the triangle near the filter's icon to expand its drop-down list of methods.
Next, when defining a rotation range within the same command, the Point geometry type is activated with its full list of methods.
In some cases several geometry types can be available at the same time. E.g.: when creating a 3D Node in Coordinates, following geometry types are available each with its own list of methods: Point,
Geometric surface,
All available for the current context geometry type filters are active by default with all their methods. If you need to narrow the possible selection options, you can either deactivate the whole type with all its methods by clicking a type's icon, or deactivate a particular method by clicking directly on a methods icon. E.g.: if you need to select an edge's midpoint, enable the
edges elements' type filter and the
Edge Midpoint method within the
Point geometry type.
See Also: