Selecting Bodies to be Cut by 3D Section

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By default, section is applied to all bodies of the 3D scene. If necessary, you can select an arbitrary set of bodies and apply section to selected bodies only, or to all bodies except the selected ones. Swithcing between these options is performed using the following buttons in the FilterSection20x20 3D Section command's parameters window


All Elements


Selected Elements


All Excluding Selected

The list of selected objects is located below the buttons. In order to select objects, click Левый клик Текст an empty area of the list or activate the following automenu option:



Select Bodies for Section

In result, the filters for selecting GTFSolid20x20 bodies, FilterBody20x20 operations, FilterWeld20x20 welds and FilterCable20x20 cable components will become available in the Filter Toolbar. Then you can select the desired objects in 3D scene or in model tree using mouse left. Upon selecting an operation, the section is applied to a body formed by this operation. If the selected operation is not the final operation of the body's tree, then the section is not applied.


See Also:

3D Section Results Display