Chamfer by Offsets along Faces

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The mode of creating chamfers by offsets along faces can be called either from the Edge Blend command using the EdgeBlendChamferOffsetsAlong30x30 Chamfer (Offset along Faces) button located in the upper part of the parameters window.

A chamfer can be specified with two offsets along adjacent faces. The algorithm for constructing a chamfer by offset along the faces is illustrated in the following figures:



From the point of intersection of the faces, offset values are measured along each face, and a blending surface is created using the points at the ends of the offset.

When the angle between the surfaces is 90 degrees, the results obtained with the offset chamfer and the offset chamfer along the faces are identical. Differences appear only with an arbitrary value of the angle between the surfaces.

See Also:

Create Edge Blend

Selecting Edges for Blending

Create Chamfer

Manipulators of Chamfer