Standard Pipeline Segments Library Configuration

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The following option is available in the automenu of the Pipe20x20 Pipeline, Wire/Cable, Air Pipe command:



Library Configuration

It allows you to customize the structure of  endings and middle fragments libraries that are used in the current operation. The option allows to select fragments that will be added to the selection drop-down list. Also it allows to add custom libraries that contain additional fragments.

Creation of custom elements for these libraries is described in the Custom Pipeline Ending Fragments and Custom Pipeline Middle Fragments sections.

Configurations window appears when you call the option with the tree that contain the following configurations folders:

LibraryConfigurationConfiguration name. Corresponds to the current operation that we configure.

LibraryStandartStandard. Defines subset of libraries that will be linked to this standard.

LibraryIncludedLibrary. Contains files of fragments that will be added to the selection list.

There are Favorites and Library elements groups inside each library.

All fragment files that exist in the selected library are displayed in its Library elements group. The fragments that are included in the quick access drop-down list are displayed in the Favorites group.


LibraryAddNew library. Add Library window appears when you call the option.

You need to select configuration, standard and the library that will be added. There are two standards by default: metric and inch. To add a new standard you need to enter its name in the Standard field. Drop-down list in the Library field includes all libraries, that are displayed in the Documents Menu window.


LibraryDeleteDelete element. Deletes selected configuration, standard or library.

LibraryAddDeleteAdd/delete fragment as an element by default. Allows to select fragments that will be added to the quick access drop-down list and in the Favorites group.

LibraryExportExport library configuration. Allows to export configurations in external *.xml file.

LibraryImportImport library configuration. Allows to import configurations from external *.xml file.

LibrarySaveSave changes. Allows to save changes in the configurations.