Applying Materials using Ribbon

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The Style group of command available in various tabs of the ribbon contains such boxes as Material and Coating:




3D Model > Style > Material

Assembly (3D) > Style > Material

Sheet Metal (3D) > Style > Material

Surfaces > Style > Material

Weld > Style > Material

Routing > Style > Material

Primitives > Style > Material

Support Geometry > Style > Material

Edit > Document > Material


Textual Menu






3D Model > Style > Coating

Assembly (3D) > Style > Coating

Sheet Metal (3D) > Style > Coating

Surfaces > Style > Coating

Weld > Style > Coating

Routing > Style > Coating

Primitives > Style > Coating

Support Geometry > Style > Coating

Edit > Document > Coating


Textual Menu




Upon selecting a single body or multiple bodies in 3D scene or in 3D model tree, you can apply a material or a coating to the selected bodies using these boxes.

Clicking a box with mouse left invokes the materials catalog, similar to the SWMaterials20x20 Materials tool window. Same as in latter, the catalog is split into two tabs: - Document (contains the list of materials added to the current document) and Libraries (contains all materials available in the current library configuration). Unlike the tool window, the catalog doesn't provide materials management commands; the only thing you can do here is selecting one of the presented materials. the Only Materials126 body materials are displayed in the catalog for the Material box, only Materials127 coating materials are displayed for the Coating box. The selected material gets applied to the selected body. Upon selecting a material from a library, the material also gets added to the current document.

Upon selecting a body with materials already applied, names of such materials are indicated in these boxes.


See Also:

Common Parameters of Operation and Body