Reports/BOMs List

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Calling the command:




Bill of Materials > Bill of Materials > List


Textual Menu


Tools > Report/Bill of Materials > Reports/BOMs List

This command provides several options for working with the BOMs of the current document. After calling the command, the Reports/Bills of Materials dialog box appears on the screen, it displays a list of BOM related to the current assembly document.


The buttons located at the bottom of the window perform actions with the BOM selected in the list:

Create - calls the dialog for creating a new BOM;

Delete - delete the current BOM;

Save As - change the name and location of the *.grb file containing the BOM created in a separate document;

In order for the button to become available, both the file of a separate document and the file of the current document must be previously saved.

Edit - editing the current BOM (see the Edit BOM command);

Properties - calls a dialog where the user can set all the necessary parameters of the BOM.