Edit Text

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To edit a paragraph text, use the command "Edit Text":






Textual Menu


Edit > Draw > Text

Selection of several paragraph text, just like multiple selection of other system elements, can be done by box or using the options  (selects all text) and SelectElementFromList (selection from the list of the named elements). When selected, all rectangular areas of the specified paragraph text are highlighted.

Upon multiple text selection, the following options become available:



Set selected Element(s) parameters



Delete selected Element(s)



Cancel selection

Upon selecting a single element, the following options are available:



Edit selected Text



Set selected Element(s) parameters



Add Rectangle



Create Name for selected Element



Set relation with Node



Select Other Element



Delete selected Element(s)



Cancel selection

Text contents editing mode

To begin editing, click Левый клик Текст inside the rectangular area or select the option .

There is yet another way to select a text for editing. When the system is in the command waiting mode, point the mouse to the text to be edited and right click Правый клик Текст. In the coming up context menu, select the item "Edit text".

Besides that, if the parameter "'Transparent' Text editing" is set among the drawing settings (the command Set Document Parameters, the tab "Preferences"), then you can start the text editing mode by clicking the text Левый клик Текст (the pointer in this case turns into a textual cursor).

Modifying parameters of selected elements


To modify parameters of selected text, use the option .  If the whole paragraph text was selected, then after calling the option a dialog box appears with general parameters of the paragraph text:

Level, layer, priority, color – the standard parameters for all T-FLEX CAD elements.

Symmetric. This parameter defines "mirror" text mode.

Account for italic font while formatting. Enabling this parameter allows us to take into consideration the text in italic when placing the elements of fractions, indices and also when formatting the paragraph in the “fit into one line” mode.

By default this parameter is disabled for texts created in T‑FLEX CAD of versions 11 and lower, and enabled for the newly created texts.

Account for italic font while formatting. Enabling this parameter allows us to take into consideration the text in italic when placing the elements of fractions, indices and also when formatting the paragraph in the “fit into one line” mode.

By default this parameter is disabled for texts created in T‑FLEX CAD of versions 11 and lower, and enabled for the newly created texts.

The "Font" tab contains several standard parameters.

Vertical Justification - sets the vertical text justification inside the selected rectangle. Three justification options are available –Top, Center, and Bottom.

Rotation angle – allows rotating the rectangular area by an arbitrary angle, in degrees. In  the  case  of  selecting  several elements,  upon  calling the option Parameters <P>,  the  dialog  box  appears  for  selecting  the parameters to be edited. The checkmarked parameters will be available for editing in the general text parameters dialog box that follows.

Editing string text

To edit a text, start the command "Edit Text":

Upon calling the command, the following options become available in the automenu:

SelectAllElements        <*>        Select All Elements        

SelectElementFromList        <R>        Select element from list (for named elements only)        

AutomenuCancel1        <Esc>        Exit command        

Selection, editing the position and attachment, and modifying text parameters are similar to editing other system elements.

Selection of several text, as well as multiple selection of other system elements, can be done by box or by using the options  (selection of all text) and SelectElementFromList (selection from the list of the named elements). Besides that, the string text allow subsequent selection of elements by using Левый клик Текст with the <Shift> key depressed. Use of Левый клик Текст in combination with the depressed key <Ctrl> excludes the text from the list of selected for editing.

If the selected text is attached to some construction element, this element will be highlighted.

After selecting several text, the following options become available:



Set selected Element(s) parameters



Copy Properties from Existing Element



Set relation with Node



Break (kill) relations



Merge Text



Delete selected Element(s)



Cancel selection

Upon selecting a specific element, the following options are available:



Edit selected Text



Set selected Element(s) parameters



Copy Properties from Existing Element



Create Name for selected Element



Set relation with Node



Set relation with Line



Place Text around Circle



Break (kill) relations



Select Other Element



Explode Text



Duplicate Text



Delete selected Element(s)



Cancel selection

The option clip0469 is used for editing the selected text contents. When the option is called, the text editor window appears on the screen.


To attach the selected text to a node, line or circle, the same options Line3DNode, LineDiagonal, LineCircle are used as when creating a text. To break and attachment, use the option DeleteVariableLink.

The option  allows breaking a text containing several lines into a number of separate elements. In this case, each line of the original text will be converted into a separate “String Text” element.

The option  allows creating a copy of the selected text.

Modification of text parameters is bound to the option .. The parameters dialog box appears in the screen. Besides accessing the text parameters and its contents, you can define the text position in the absolute coordinates or by an offset from the attachment node, if the text was attached to a node.


When calling the option while several elements are selected, you will have to first specify the parameters to be modified in the dialog box "Change Parameters". By default, all parameters of the selected elements are subject to editing. Upon specifying the parameters to edit, this standard text parameters dialog box appears.