Constraints > Equal Radius

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Command call:




Draw > Constraints > Constraint > Equal Radius

Workplane > Constraints > Constraint > Equal Radius


Textual Menu



Parameters window of the Constraints20x20 <SC> Constraint command


Equal Radius

The constraint allows you to equate the radii of arcs and circles. Changing a radius of any of the constrained lines will lead to changes of another line's radius.


When creating an equal radius constraint, if other constraints applied to selected object do not prevent changes of their radii, then the radius of the object selected second gets changed. If the radius of the second object cannot be changed due to other constraints, then the radius of the first object gets changed. If changes of both radii is impossible, then the new constraint will throw an error.  


The constraint allows to select multiple second objects.


An index number of the radius used by the constraint is displayed near its icon in drawing window, so you can easily distinguish groups of elements of the same radius, if there are multiple Equal Radius constraints using different radii.


Icons of constraint are displayed near midpoints of each constrained line. If there are multiple constraints of this type applied to the same line, then all of these constraints are represented by a single icon. When pointing the cursor to an icon representing multiple constraints, you can select a particular constraint using selection hints.

By default, a numerical index is displayed near constraint's icon in drawing. It is the number of the radius applied by the constraint. Thus you can easily distinguish groups of objects of the same radius, when there are multiple equal radius constraints applying different radii. Indexes display may be disabled in system options.


Equality of Radii of Circle and Two Arcs

Let a circle and two arcs of arbitrary radii be given. Equate their radii to each other using the Equal Radius constraint. In the Ribbon, select the constraint, then select a circle and two arcs (one first object and two second objects) using mouse left. We finish creating the constraint. In the Model Elements window, you can see that two constraints have been created. There are icons on the drawing: two icons for the circle and one for the arc, which illustrates the pairing of the created constraints.


Since the biggest arc was selected first, its radius was assigned to other objects. Upon further editing, the defining radius will be the radius of the arc or circle that is currently edited.