External Variables

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For editing variables, marked as external, besides the variables editor, the External Variables command can be used.

Calling the command:




Parameters > GUI Control > External Variables


Textual Menu


Parameters > External Variables

External variables are usually widely used in the T-FLEX CAD documents for organizing parametric connection between assembly document and fragments, and also for organizing connection of the T-FLEX CAD with other systems and applications.

In contrast to the variable editor, this command displays only those variables of the current document, that have the External checkbox enabled in their parameters.  This command does not allow a user to create new variables. Thus, if there are no external variables in the drawing, the message No external Variables is produced and the command is not called.

The kind of the dialog box used in this command depends on the attribute setting External Variable Editor in the command Set Document Parameters (the External Variables tab). This attribute can assume one of the following settings:

Internal Editor.


External Program. In this case, the appearance of the dialog box is defined by the external custom application;

Control. The user might have created a custom dialog box using interface elements (see the Control Elements chapter). In such a case, calling the command External Variables brings up this dialog box.


The External Variables command can be used for modeling the process of editing external variables of the fragment in an assembly. One more possible way of using this command – when too many expressions are specified in the current drawing. In this case it is possible to mark the variables on which the remaining variables depend as external ones, and, if necessary, modify their values in the external variables editor.

Upon changing the values of the external variables with the help of the command External Variables, only constants can be used as admissible values of variables.

After completing the command, all variables are recalculated per the changes to the external variables, and the drawing is regenerated with the new parameters.

Topics in this section:

Rules for Working with External Variables

External Fragment Variables Editor

External Variables Manupulators of 3D Fragment