Following steps should be done to create an operation:
2.Set Common parameters of operation (non-mandatory action)
3.Select the rotation contour
4.Select the rotation axis
5.Set angle of rotation and start angle or starting and ending points of rotation (non-mandatory action);
6.Set thin wall, blend, Boolean operation parameters (non-mandatory action);
7.Use Preview of the operation result (non-mandatory action).
8.Finish input .
Following options become available in the automenu after calling the extrusion command:
<W> |
Draw Profile |
<R> |
Select Contour |
<H> |
Cancel contour selection |
<A> |
Select axis of rotation |
<F> |
Select first point of Axis |
<S> |
Select second point of Axis |
<1> |
Select starting point of Rotation |
<2> |
Select ending point of Rotation |
<K> |
Cancel selection of points for Rotation |
<Ctrl+T> |
Select target Body for Boolean |
<Ctrl+B> |
Boolean operation mode |
Contour and trajectory of rotation
It is necessary to select a rotation contour. Upon calling the command following option is activated in the automenu:
<R> |
Select Contour |
This option's activation enables filters for selecting 3D elements allowed as an extrusion contour (3D profiles, operations, faces, edges, loops and 3D paths) on the Filter Toolbar. When selecting elements, pay attention to active filters.
To define the extrusion contour, move the cursor over the desired element in the 3D window. The pointed at element will be pre-highlighted, and the cursor gain a tooltip with the element name. Click to select.
3D profiles based on hatches can be selected by picking the original hatch in the 2D window.
Selected contour is shown in the Contour field in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window.
Rotation contour can lay in arbitrary position related to rotation axis, but axis should not intersect the contour's base surface. Flat contour should not be perpendicular to rotation axis.
Rotation contour can be composed of set of 3D profiles, faces, edges, 3D paths or other objects, but all selected objects should belong to the same type - either wire or surface-based (including closed 3D profiles).
Trajectory of rotation is defined by circle passing through geometrical center of rotation contour. Center point of trajectory circle is defined by the normal projection of rotation contour's geometrical center onto rotation axis. Operation will not be created if plane of rotation contour is tangent to rotation trajectory or close to being tangent.
You can also call the new profile creation command using the following automenu option:
<W> |
Draw Profile |
Upon finishing the new profile creation it will be selected as a rotation contour automatically.
Keep in mind that all rotation parameters defined before the new profile creation will be reset to default.
Upon selecting a rotation contour the following option will be available in the automenu:
<H> |
Cancel contour selection |
Elements selected as a rotation contour are highlighted in green in the 3D scene throughout defining an operation parameters.
Calling the command with automatic contour selection
A slick way of handling a rotation is calling the command with automatic selection of a contour and axis of rotation.
Enter the Draw on workplane mode and draw a contour and an axis.
Then, without leaving the active workplane mode, call the Rotation command. The system will then automatically create a 3D profile based on the Continuous type graphic lines or a hatch, and will select it as a rotation contour. When a single dash-dot line is present on a workplane, such line will be selected as a rotation axis. If you'll draw on the same workplane again, automatic contour selection will work for newly created contours only (new color).
Following automenu options can be used to specify rotation axis:
<A> |
Select axis of rotation |
<F> |
Select first point of Axis |
<S> |
Select second point of Axis |
If option is active, a rotation axis can be defined by any object suitable to defining a straight line geometry (including one of the rotation contour's edges). This option's activation enables filters for selecting 3D elements allowed as an axis on the Filter Toolbar. When selecting elements, pay attention to active filters.
Results of rotation of the same contour around different axes. Axes are highlighted in yellow. |
Axis of rotation can be defined by two 3D points (using
options). This option's activation enables filters for selecting 3D elements allowed as points on the Filter Toolbar. When selecting elements, pay attention to active filters.
It is possible to define rotation axis using single point only (if it lays on some surface). In this case a normal direction to surface at selected point is used as an axis.
Elements selected for defining a rotation axis are shown either in Axis or First point and Second point fields in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window.
Elements selected for defining an axis are highlighted in yellow in the 3D scene throughout defining an operation parameters.
By default rotation is performed clockwise related to looking in the rotation axis' direction. Axis' direction coincides to direction of the selected object. When defining an axis using two points, direction goes from first point to second. You can reverse the direction of rotation using Switch rotation direction button in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window.
Angle of rotation and start angle
By default rotation is performed by full circle (360°). You can set a custom sector of rotation using one (or combination) of the following methods:
•Setting values in Angle and Start Angle fields in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window.
•Selecting Starting and Ending points of rotation using automenu;
•Using manipulators.
Starting and ending points of rotation
Following automenu options can be used to specify starting and ending points of rotation:
<1> |
Select starting point of Rotation |
<2> |
Select ending point of Rotation |
<K> |
Cancel selection of points for Rotation |
Selecting a Starting point defines the initial position of the rotation contour. If only starting point is selected, a rotation is performed using Angle value set in the eponymous field in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window. Start Angle field becomes inactive and displays value defined by a starting point's position.
Selecting an Ending point defines final position of the rotation contour. Angle field also becomes inactive and displays value defined by difference between ending and starting points' positions. Selecting an ending point without selecting a starting point does NOT affect the operation result.
Starting and ending points are highlighted in yellow in the 3D scene throughout defining an operation parameters.
Angle and Start Angle values can be set using manipulators. Manipulators look like red arrow and turquoise ball.
Arrow's shaft represents a rotation trajectory, turquoise ball - starting point, arrowhead - ending point.
Dragging the mouse while holding on the red arrow (no matter shaft of arrowhead) changes position of rotation ending point in accordance with the cursor movement. Angle value in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window changes accordingly.
A single click on the red arrow (no matter shaft of arrowhead) activates mode for selecting rotation ending point. In this mode position of the rotation ending point changes in accordance with the cursor movement until
is clicked for the second time. However, if you hover the cursor over an existing point in the 3D scene, position of a rotation ending point will be snapped to a said point. Second click
confirms the point selection. Selected point will be displayed in the Second Point field of the Rotation Range group in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window and an associative link is created. So from now on if position of selected existing point change, the result of rotation is recalculated accordingly. Angle value in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window changes in accordance with the selected point's position.
Dragging the mouse while holding on the turquoise ball changes position of rotation starting point in accordance with the cursor movement. Start Angle value in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window changes accordingly.
Unlike using automenu options, selecting an ending point using manipulator without selecting a starting point DOES affect the operation result.
A single click on the turquoise ball activates mode for selecting rotation starting point. In this mode position of the rotation starting point changes in accordance with the cursor movement until
is clicked for the second time. However, if you hover the cursor over an existing point in the 3D scene, position of a rotation starting point will be snapped to a said point. Second click
confirms the point selection. Selected point will NOT be displayed in the Parameters window and an associative link is NOT created. So if position of selected existing point will change in future, the result of rotation won't change. Start Angle value in the General Parameters tab of the Parameters window will be set in accordance with the selected point's position at the moment of confirming the selection.
Using created body in Boolean operation
Options for Boolean operation creation are available in lower part of the automenu.
Information about these options can be found in the Using Boolean Operation when Creating Other Operations section.
See also: