Export to STL (Stereolitography)

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A model can be exported to STL format either via the Export command common for all formats, or via the Print 3D command dedicated specially to this format. In both cases the same Export Parameters appear in the parameters window.




File > Export > 3D documents with mesh (polygonal) geometry > Stereo Lithography (*.stl)


Textual Menu


File > Print 3D

File > Export > 3D documents with mesh (polygonal) geometry > Stereo Lithography (*.stl)

When exporting to the Stereo Lithography format, the geometrical shape of the 3D model surfaces is translated by faceting surfaces into a set of triangular elements. The accuracy of the surface representation depends on the three-dimensional mesh parameters.


Upon calling the command, the standard file selection window appears, where you should specify the name and location of the resulting *.stl-file.

Specified file name and path are displayed in the top input box of the command's parameters window. You can re-define them by calling the file selection window again, using the button located to the right, or edit the content of the input box via keyboard.

Following parameters are available below:

Pack to Archive

The .stl file will be packed in .7z format.

Separate file for each body

A separate mesh file of the selected format will be created for each body in the assembly.

Color Support

You can choose from two standard formats: VisCAM and SolidView Format or Materialise Magics Format. You can also select Without Color.

File Type:

Binary (with color support) – binary format with color support. The bodies are stored in one large mesh.

ASCII (multibody) – text format without color support. The bodies are divided into separate meshes.

Mesh Quality

Quality of the exported model surfaces. Higher quality produces bigger files.

The drop-down list of this parameter contains same quality presets, as the command that manages mesh quality in 3D scene.

The resulting mesh can be displayed in 3D window using the Dynamic Preview (see below)





3,27 Mb

Increased mesh quality

13,1 Mb

Decreased mesh quality

21,7 Kb

Custom preset allows manual customization of mesh generation parameters. Geometrical meanings of these parameters are explained in the description of the 3D tab of the Document Parameters dialog. Set desired values of mesh quality parameters and click the Apply button


Additionally, the custom mesh quality preset has the Uniform Mesh option. By default, mesh density is non-uniform - curved surfaces are split into more polygons than flat surfaces, and the more complex the shape of a surface is, the more polygons are used to form this surface. With the Uniform Mesh option enabled, the mesh density will be the same for all surfaces of the model.



Non-uniform mesh

Uniform mesh with the same mesh generation parameters

Source CS

In the drop-down list, you can select one of the LCS of the model, which will be considered the main one. This means that when the file is imported, this LCS will be aligned with the origin.

Open File

Allows you to immediately open the .stl file after its creation.


Dynamic Preview

Enables the preview of the resulting polygonal mesh of the model in 3D window.Mesh parameters are set above using the Mesh Quality drop-down list.