System Options > T-FLEX DOCs

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This tab defines parameters of the joint work of T-FLEX CAD and T‑FLEX DOCs system. The settings for the this tab are available for editing only if T‑FLEX DOCs system is installed on a given work place.

The detailed information on the using CAD in connection with DOCs can be found in the T-FLEX DOCs Integration chapter

This tab can also be called from the T-FLEX DOCs integration panel in the top right corner of the screen.


The T-FLEX DOCs Integration parameter specifies a T-FLEX DOCs client to work with T-FLEX CAD. the drop-down contains the No option (the system works in the regular mode without integration, this mode is selected by default) and all T-FLEX DOCs versions installed on this workplace.


The Update fragments when opening assembly parameter sets up the mode of verification of the actuality of files of fragments, pictures, etc., upon opening and regeneration of the assembly:

Don't update – The file will be downloaded from the server only if it is absent. This is the most optimal variant in terms of efficiency but there is no synchronization during the joint work.

Update –  All files that lack actuality are automatically synchronized. This variant works more slowly but it always guarantees the actuality if something has changed on the server.

Check and ask – The actuality of all files in the assembly at all levels will be checked and the question will be asked if DOCs has files newer than they are in the work folder. This is a compromise variant.


Update product composition automatically in case of document saving. If this checkbox is enabled, saving a document for the first time automatically invokes the command of saving the product's composition into DOCs. Subsequent saving updates the DOCs product structure.


Integration rule. The parameter allows to select a rule from the T-FLEX DOCs Application integration rules.

Integration rule can be selected only after the integration is done, since integration rules are stored in the DOCs.

Therefore, you need to select integration type and press OK. After that you should wait for the integration to happen, reopen dialog using the Set System Options command and select one of the integration rules from the list.


Keep all links included in document. This checkbox sets up the mode for saving T-FLEX CAD compound documents – documents with links to external files – to T-FLEX DOCs. If this box is

disabled, only external files of GRB format (assembly fragments) will be saved to the "Files" T-FLEX DOCs dataset. To save external files of other formats, enable this checkbox.


By default, synchronize fragments in opened documents. This checkbox controls the default state of the Synchronize fragments with T-FLEX DOCs checkbox, which is located in the document opening parameters dialog
