This menu is located under the title bar of the T-FLEX CAD window at the top of the screen.
The text menu of commands contains all the commands of the system, divided into groups. If you move the cursor to a group, information about this group of commands appears.
Commands in the text menu are divided into the following groups:
File - commands for working with drawings and drawing libraries.
Edit - commands for editing system elements.
Constructions - commands for creating auxiliary building elements.
Draw - commands for creating image elements.
Operations - operations teams when working with a three-dimensional drawing model.
Title Block - drawing design module.
Parameters - commands for working with a parametric drawing model.
Tools - commands for configuring the system and setting drawing parameters.
Customize - system configuration commands.
View - commands for moving around the drawing and system screen configuration.
Window - commands for working in multi-window mode.
Help - commands for obtaining reference information on the system and commands.
Select a command from the text menu:
•Move the cursor to the name of a group of commands and click . A drop-down menu appears with the names of the teams in the group. Move the cursor to the desired command and click
•To select commands from the text menu using the keyboard, press <Alt>+<Key>, where “key” means the key on the keyboard corresponding to the letter underlined in this paragraph of the text menu. A drop-down menu with a set of commands will appear. Move the frame using <Up> and <Down> to the desired command and press <Enter>.
When a command is called from a text menu (for 2D commands), the current command is automatically stopped. For teams working with three-dimensional drawing elements, the next command can be called from the current command.