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Calling the command:




3D Model > Construct > Worksurface

Draw > 3D Model > Worksurface

Assembly (3D) > Construct > Worksurface

Sheet Metal (3D) > Construct > Worksurface

Surface > Construct > Worksurface

Weld > Construct > Worksurface

Primitives > Construct > Worksurface

Support Geometry > Worksurfaces > Worksurface


Textual Menu


Construct > Worksurface

Worksurfaces are auxiliary 3D elements that represent geometrical surfaces of certain type. A cylinder, sphere or torus can be used as such surfaces. The functional purpose of worksurfaces is similar to that of workplanes. Generally, those are intended for carrying 2D objects over to the 3D space. Each worksurface is always related with a parametric region on a page of a 2D drawing. Auxiliary 3D elements, such as 3D nodes, 3D profiles and 3D paths, can be created based on a flat 2D image located on this page. Those elements will be placed on the respective worksurface – a cylinder, sphere or torus.

The main purpose of worksurfaces is creation of auxiliary objects (3D profiles, 3D paths, 3D nodes) for creating parts whose surfaces are curved in two directions: turbine blades, boat propellers, ship hulls, aircraft fuselages.

clip4971                 clip4972

clip4973             clip4974           clip4975

Topics in this section:

Main Concepts of Worksurface

Parametric Region

Methods of Creating Worksurfaces

Worksurface Parameters

Edit Worksurface

Example of Worksurface Creation