Exporting Documents

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Exporting Documents

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T-FLEX CAD allows exporting its 2D drawings and 3D models into other graphical system formats.

Exporting from T-FLEX CAD is supported for the following formats:

Only for 2D drawings:

Windows Metafiles (*.wmf);

Enhanced Windows Metafiles (*.emf);

AutoCAD files (*.dwg);

AutoCAD DXF files (*.dxf);

AutoCAD DXB files (*.dxb);

T-FLEX CAD Metafiles (*.bmf);

T-FLEX CAD Metafiles without hidden lines (*.bmf).


For 2D drawing and 3D models:

Raster Image (*.bmp, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, *.png);

Files in PDF format (*.pdf)


Only for 3D models:

3D documents

Parasolid files (*.xmt_txt);

Parasolid Binary files (*.xmt_txt);

STEP (*.stp, *.step);

IGES ЗD (*.igs, *.iges);

JT (*.jt)

ACIS (*.sat, *.sab)

PRC (*prc);


Mesh geometry

AutoCAD DXF 3D files (*.dxf);

Stereo Lithography (*.stl);

PLY files(*.ply);

OBJ files(*.obj);

VRML 2.0 files (*.wrl);

U3D files(*.u3d);

X3D files (*.x3d);

POV-Ray (*.pov);

Open Inventor files (*.iv);

Rhino Model (*.3dm);

IFC (*.ifc);

3MF (*.3mf);

T-FLEX Scene files (*tf3d).


When porting models from T-FLEX CAD to other systems and from other systems to T-FLEX CAD, you are strongly advised to prefer the STEP to the IGES format whenever possible as the more advanced one.



Exporting documents

Exporting T-FLEX CAD documents into other system formats is done by the command "EX: Export Drawing Or Model":



→ Export


Textual Menu

<EX>  or


File > Export


After calling the command, the dialog with formats available for export appears. You should select one and press [Export] button on the top of the screen.

Next, depending on the selected export format, either the file will be saved at once (as in the formats: Windows Metafiles, Enhanced Windows Metafiles, T-FLEX CAD Metafiles, Metafiles without invisible lines), or additional parameters, described below, must be specified (for all other formats).


AutoCAD system formats: DXF, DXB, DWG


Raster Image (*.bmp, *.jpg, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, *.png, *.tga)


Parasolid (*.xmt_txt, *.xmt_bin) Formats


Rhino Model (*.3dm)


STEP (*.stp, *.step) format

JT, ACIS, PRC Formats


IGES (*.igs, *.iges) formats

3D Mesh Formats Export Parameters

When models are exported to 3D mesh formats, their geometrical shape is converted into a set of triangular elements. You may control the accuracy of representation which determines the number of triangular elements and thus the export file size.

The same Export Parameters window is used for specifying export parameters for various 3D mesh formats. Depending on the format, the set of parameters may differ.

X3D, U3D, IV, 3D PDF3D, VRML 2.0, TF3D Formats

3D PDF, U3D Formats

POV format

PLY, OBJ Formats

STL (Stereolitography) Format

DXF 3D format

3MF Format

IFC Format