Product Structure Types

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The product structure type is a file that contains the product structure properties. The product structure type is a prototype for creating new product structures in documents.

Product structure type command is used to create new product structures types and edit the existing ones.

To call the command:



Bill of materials → Options→ Product structure type


Textual Menu


Tools > Report/Bill of materials > Product structure type

You can also open the same window for the current product structure using clip0676 option on the toolbar.

The list of existing product structure types is located in the left part of the window. Tabs with their properties are located on the right side.


Each product structure type is stored in *.XML file. Settings from such type will be copied to the current document when type is used for creating a new product structure or for an update of product structure. Path folder with the product structure types is set in SO: Set system options command on the Bill of Materials tab in Product Structure Types field.


New documents already contain “General BOM” product structure created on the base of "Default product structure.xml" file.

The following icons are located at the top of the Product Structure Types window:

clip0679 Open type from file loads description of the product structure type from the *.XML file.

clip0680 Save type as saves description of the product structure type into the XML file.

clip0681 New type creates a new type based on the “empty type”. Properties of such a type are not set.

clip0688 Delete type deletes the current record from the list of product structure types.

clip0689 Copy type copies properties of the current product structure type.

clip0690 Paste type creeates a new product structure type based on the copied properties – columns, groupings, sorting, representations, etc.



To rename the product structure type, click clip0694 clip0695 on its name and fill in text.


Note that if you create a BOM table based not on the product structure report template but on the legacy mechanism based on the BOM prototype file, the prototype properties will be used along with the product structure properties. The prototype properties can differ from the product structure properties. In this case, the created BOM may differ from what you see in the Product structure window, because the prototype properties like grouping and sorting will be applied to it after the product structure properties.

Properties Tab

Columns Tab

Sources Tab

Filters Tab

Representations Tab

Sum Tab

Reports Tab