Sheet Metal Default Parameters > Bend Parameters

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The Bend Parameters tab of the sheet metal default parameters dialog contains following parameters:


Bend position.
Allows you to set the position of the bend zone relative to the bending baseline: Bend Start, Bend End, Bend Center, By Outer Side, By Outer Tangent, By Inner Side, By Inner Tangent, By External Dimension. Defines the default option for the Position parameter in the bend command dialog. More info available in the Position section.

Length Reference.
You can select one of the following methods in the drop-down list: Neutral Layer, Flat Part, Outer Side, Outer Tangent, Inner Side, Inner Tangent. The parameter defines the default option for the Length Reference parameter in the bend command dialog. More info available in the Length Reference section.

Bend Relief

This group of parameters defines the type and sizes of the reliefs created by default when bending. The type of reliefs can be selected in the drop-down list: None (no relief is created), Round, Square. Depth and Width parameters allow you to set default sizes for reliefs: the depth of the front part (protruding beyond the bend line) and the width of the groove. The flag Extend relief enables cutting of the groove to the borders of the workpiece. More info available in the Bend Relief section.

This group of parameters allows you to set default values for various cutting modes during bending. The need to cut the flange when bending and gluing the flange is indicated using the Flange cutting flag. When the flag is enabled, this mode will be activated by default. The Limit cut to flange length flag allows you to set the method for removing the workpiece material under the flange when gluing the flange. When the flag is set, by default the material will be deleted only by the length of the flange. When the flag is disabled the material will be deleted to the edge of the workpiece. More info available in the Flange section.

Corner Relief.
This group of parameters allows you to enable by default cutting of intersecting parts of the flange with the workpiece. Enable the Clipping option with the specified Gap parameter (defines the default value of the Gap parameter in the bending command dialog). When set to No Clipping, overlapping parts will not be clipped by default. More info available in the Corner Relief section.

This group of parameters defines the default values for Left and Right Offset. The position of the indentation (left or right) is determined by the system depending on the position of the created geometry. More info available in the Left Offset and Right Offset section.

Parameter values set in the Defaults command will be used by default in all sheet metal operations. In this case, values of textual and numeric parameters taken from defaults are shown in square brackets, for example, Radius: [2].