Columns of Variable Editor

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Columns of variable editor contain values of eponymous parameters of variables. Additionally, there are following special columns:

?  Not used
If a variable is unused, this column contains question sign. Otherwise, the column is empty. See more in the Used and Unused Variables section.

SWDiagnosticsGrey20x20 State
If there are some errors in calculation of a variable value, this column contains ErrorDiagnostics sign. Otherwise, the column is empty. Most errors provide brief description in the Message column.

By default, some of the columns of the variable editor are disabled. In order to enable or disable the display of a particular column, enable or disable its checkbox in the editor options dialog or in the Columns section of column header's contextual menu.


The order in which the columns are displayed in the table of variables can be easily changed just by pulling over the columns into the required places. To do that, it is enough just to bring the cursor to the column, hit Левый клик Текст and without releasing the mouse button, drag the header of the column to the required place. Red arrows on the screen suggest where the column will be inserted.


See Also:

Parameters of Variable

Options of Variable Editor

Customizing Interface of Variable Editor