Workplane in Coordinates

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The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Support Geometry > Worksurfaces > Workplane in Coordinates


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Workplane20x20 <3W> Workplane command


In Coordinates

This command allows you to create a workplane in X, Y, Z coordinates.

Upon calling the command, LCS manipulators appear in the 3D scene and following options appear in the automenu:



Rotate LCS around X axis by 90°



Rotate LCS around Y axis by 90°



Rotate LCS around Z axis by 90°



Change LCS axes orientation

Use manipulators and automenu options in the same way as described for the Transformations command.

You can also type coordinates into X:, Y:, Z: input boxes on the General Parameters tab of the command parameters window.

Additional Parameters are described in the corresponding section.

Sequence of creation

1. Call the command Workplane in Coordinates.

2. Specify coordinates.

3. Set the workplane coordinate system (optional).

Keep in mind, that workplane CS origin in this command doesn't coincide with projection of selected Origin Point. It is offset from projection by coordinates set in General Parameters.

4. Customize additional parameters if necessary.

5. Confirm the creation of the workplane.