Array of 2D Elements by Table

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Call the command Array by Table.




Draw > Additional > Array > Array by Table

Assembly (2D) > Assembly > Array > Array by Table

Sheet Metal (2D) > Additional > Array > Array by Table


Textual Menu


Draw > Array > Array by Table

Array by Table allows equating coordinates, angle of rotation, scale and user-defined variables of copies to content of database columns. A database should be created in advance, prior to calling the Array by Table command. Unlike other arrays this command doesn't require defining origin and target points.


In order to create an array by curve, first you have to select it's source elements, then select a Database in the eponymous drop-down list located in the top of the command's parameters window. The list contains all databases available in the current document.

The detailed information on working with databases is available in the Databases section.

By default, a number of copies in an array coincides with a number of rows in a selected database. It is indicated in the Copies box of the parameters window, but cannot be edited. If you need to set different number of copies, enable the adjacent checkbox. Upon enabling the checkbox, you can type in an arbitrary number of copies. However, this value should not exceed a number of rows in a selected database. When using an arbitrary number of copies, an array utilizes the corresponding number of rows from the database start, while the rest of the rows do not affect the result of the array.


The Coordinate System group of parameters contains the drop-down list, where you can switch between Cartesian and Polar coordinate systems. The set of parameters available below depends on the coordinate system selected in the drop-down list.

Optionally, you can select local coordinate systems existing on the current page as Source and Target LCS. By default, the coordinate system of array's source elements (Element Coordinate System) is used both as source and target. Axes of the coordinate system of array's source elements are parallel to axes of current page's or active view's LCS; origin is located at the center of the rectangle enclosing source elements. As the user selects either source or target LCS, the default value of the LCS remaining unselected automatically changes to Page Coordinate System (or active view's coordinate system).

Source and Target LCS can be selected in the 2D window, upon activating either their input boxes in the parameters window, or following automenu options:



Select source LCS



Source target LCS

Coordinates of copies (both Cartesian and Polar) are always measured in the Source LCS. If source and target LCSes do not coincide, then the coordinates of the Target LCS relative to the Source LCS are added to coordinates of each copy in array. However, center of rotation and scaling of copies is always positioned relative to the page's or active view's LCS origin in the same way, as the origin of the Target LCS is positioned relative to the origin of the Source LCS. Therefore, if origin of source LCS doesn't coincide with origin of page's or active view's LCS, then center of rotation and scaling doesn't coincide with the origin of copies' coordinates.


Upon defining coordinate systems you need to set up a correspondence between coordinates of array's elements and columns of the selected database. Depending on the selected type of coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) bottom area of the command's parameters window contains following drop-down lists.

For Cartesian CS:

X coordinate;

Y coordinate.

For Polar CS:

Distance from the origin.

Polar Angle
Deviation from the positive direction of the X axis.

For both types of CS:



The method of applying these parameters is described above.

Each of the drop-down lists contains names of database columns. Value in the selected column will define the corresponding parameter of copies in array. The same column can be selected in several drop-down lists at the same time.

In addition to names of columns drop-down lists contain the [not set] option. Upon selecting this option, the value of the corresponding parameter will always be equal to zero (or one in case of the Scale parameter).


The Add Variable button is located below the aforementioned parameters. Clicking this button adds into command's parameters window another row with another couple of Variable and Column drop-down lists. You can add as many rows as you need by sequentially clicking this button. Then you can to set up a correspondence between variable and column in each row in the same way as described above. If there are more drop-down lists' couples than you need, unnecessary rows of lists can be deleted, using the Clear Delete Variable button, which is located in the right side of the row. Variable lists contains all variables available in the current document. However effects of equating a variable to a database column are only visible, if the said variable defines parameters of array's source elements.

The [not set] option is selected in all drop-downs by default. You don't have to select variables and columns in each drop-down; non-set values do not prevent the array creation, if the correspondence is set between at least one parameter or variable and one column of the database.

The same column can be used for defining values of several variables at once.

The system does not prevent selecting the same variable for several columns at once, however the resulting array will use as values of such variable the content of the database column, which is selected in the bottommost drop-down list.


See Also:

Select 2D Elements for Moving and Copying