Array of 2D Elements by Curve

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Call the command Array by Curve.




Draw > Additional > Array > Array by Curve

Assembly (2D) > Assembly > Array > Array by Curve

Sheet Metal (2D) > Additional > Array > Array by Curve


Textual Menu


Draw > Array > Array by Curve

Array by Curve allows you to place copies of 2D elements along the selected path with the ability to control the orientation of copies.

In order to create an array by curve, first you have to select it's source elements and enable the desired mode of copying, next select a curve and then define a single target point, as described in the Anchor Points of Moving and Copying 2D Elements section. The first copy in array is positioned relative to the starting point of the selected curve in the same way, as source elements are positioned relative to the  target point. Unlike other arrays, source elements of array by curve are not included into the number of copies. The second copy is snapped to the point located on the selected curve at the distance from the starting point equal to the step of array. The copy is positioned relative to the said point in the same way, as source elements are positioned relative to the target point. Third point is snapped to the point located on the selected curve at the distance from the previous copy's snapping point point equal to the step of array, and so on. After selecting a curve, a preview of array's result is displayed in the 2D window, being dynamically changed depending on the cursor's position. Number of copies, step, total length and method of copies orientation can be set in the parameters window.


Parameters of array by curve


The drop-down list located in the top of the parameters window allows switching the type of transformation.]

The detailed information on types of transformation is available in the Switch between 2D Elements Move and Copy Commands section.

The SaveAsDefault18x19 Save as Default Parameters button is located to the right of the said drop-down list. Values of array's parameters set at the moment of pressing this button will be used as defaults upon calling the linear array command in future.


Next, there are following parameters of array:

Method of creation
The array has three interrelated parameters: number of copies, step and total length. Depending on the selected method of creation, two of these parameters are defined by the user, while the third one is calculated automatically from values of two others. Following methods are available in the drop-down list:

Number of Copies and Step
Number of copies and step are defined by user. Total length is calculated automatically.

Length and Step
Total length and step are defined by user. Number of copies is calculated automatically.

Number of Copies and Length
Number of copies and total length are defined by user. Step is calculated automatically.

Number of Copies
Number of copies is defined by user. Total length is equal to length of the selected curve. Step is calculated automatically

Step is defined by user. Total length is equal to length of the selected curve. Number of copies is calculated automatically.

Total number of copies in the array, i.e. number of repeating the set of source objects.

Unlike other arrays, the number of copies in the array by curve doesn't includes the set of source elements.

Distance between adjacent copies along the selected curve.

Total length of the array, i.e. the distance between the first and the last copy along the selected curve.

If values of array's parameters are set in such way, that the total length (regardless of whether it's user-defined or auto-calculated) exceeds the length of the selected curve, then all copies, that do not fit, will be snapped to the ending point of the curve.

Copies in array may be differently oriented relative to the curve. Following methods of orientation are available in the drop-down list:

All copies in the array have the same orientation as source objects.

By Tangent.
The angle of the copy's rotation corresponds to the angle of the tangent to the curve that is created at the snapping point of the corresponding copy.

By Chord.
The angle of the copy's rotation corresponds to the angle of the chord, drawn from the snapping point of the previous copy to the snapping point of the current copy/


Moreover the parameters window contains input boxes and checkboxes of X and Y coordinates of the target point.

The detailed information on parameters of points is available in the Anchor Points of Moving and Copying 2D Elements section.

See Also:

Select 2D Elements for Moving and Copying

Switch between 2D Elements Move and Copy Commands

Modes of Copying 2D Elements

Anchor Points of Moving and Copying 2D Elements

Next Action upon Moving and Copying 2D Elements