Boolean Operation

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Calling the command:




3D Model > Operations > Boolean

Sheet Metal (3D) > Advanced > Boolean

Surfaces > Advanced > Boolean

Primitives > Advanced > Boolean


Textual Menu


Operation > Boolean

Boolean operation creates a new body based on two or more existing bodies. As a result of the operation, a new body is created that is a combination of the source bodies.


Creating Boolean operation

The automenu and the parameters window are used together in the command. These work together and enhance each other. The state of the automenu depends on the step of defining the operation and on the purpose and type of the objects being selected.

The following steps are to be done to create the operation:

1. Select Boolean operands.

2. Select the type of the Boolean operation.

3. Specify operands' pieces for creating a selective Boolean operation (optional).

4. Define element matches (optional).

5. Define additional parameters (if necessary).

6. Define blending parameters (optional).

7. Confirm operation creation.

Topics in this section:

Main Concepts of Boolean Operation

Boolean Addition

Boolean Subtraction

Boolean Intersection

Boolean Operations on Surfaces with Specifying Normal Directions

General Parameters of Boolean Operation

Additional Parameters of Boolean Operation

Setting Element Matches in Boolean Operation

Boolean Operation Features

Edit Boolean Operation

Delete Boolean Operation