Edit Splines. 2D Constructs

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When editing a spline, the parameters window contains the same set of controls, as when creating a spline. If editing was started by calling the Edit20x20 Edit command from spline's contextual menu, then the parameters are displayed right from the start. If editing was started by selecting a spline within the common 2D constructs edition command, then you have to use the Parameters <P> option in order to display spline's parameters. Unlike other constructs, for spline activating this option for the first time displays parameters in the Parameters tool window, instead of invoking a separate dialog window. As the parameters appear in the tool window, activating the Parameters <P> option again invokes the spline parameters dialog.


When editing the spline all of its parameters and the parameters of its points are available, as well as the spline points manipulators. To choose the necessary point you should specify it in the spline parameters list or select the point at the spline being edited with mouse left.

To move the existing point you should select the chosen point again with mouse left. After that the spline point will move after the cursor. The new location of the point is set with mouse left at the drawing. You can also change the coordinates of the chosen point in the spline parameters.

To add a point to the spline you can use the commands SplineAddAfter and SplineAddBefore for adding the points or you can specify the location of the new point at the chosen spline with mouse left. When pointing the cursor at the spline interval being edited, where there is no point, a dynamic image of a possible new point appears under the cursor. When creating a new point, it will be automatically selected. To build several new points, just move the cursor along the spline and set the location of the new points with mouse left. No additional confirmation of creating a new point is needed. The location of a new point is changed similarly to editing the location of an existing one.

To delete a point you should select it and press an icon SplineDelete in the spline parameters, or just press <Del> button.