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The design process in T-FLEX CAD is often associated with performing various kinds of calculations. Some tasks can be solved using the variable editor. But the calculations in the variable editor are limited. For example, you cannot use loops there. This narrows the range of tasks that could be solved directly inside T-FLEX CAD.

Another problem that users face during the design process is spending a lot of time performing repetitive actions. For example, you may need to create a set of layers in one drawing similar to the set of layers in another drawing and place objects in the first drawing on the newly created layers. This is quite a painstaking job, considering that the number of layers in a document can be large.

These problems can be easily solved using macros.

Topics in this section:

Working with Macros

Macros Window

Creating Macros, Macro Editor

Compiling and Running Macros

Creating Macros with Screen Forms

Handling Document Events Using Macros

Running Macros from User Dialog