The T-FLEX DOCs Integration panel is located in the upper right corner of the T-FLEX CAD main window. Clicking the panel with invokes the drop-down menu.
If the integration mode is disabled, then the panel indicates the T-FLEX DOCs title. If there is no T-FLEX DOCs client selected for integration in T-FLEX CAD system options, then the drop-down menu contains only a single item -
Options, which invokes the T-FLEX DOCs tab of the system options dialog. If there is a client selected for integration, then the menu also contains the command allowing you to Connect to DOCs.
If the integration mode is enabled, then the panel indicates the name of the current T-FLEX DOCs user, and the drop-down menu contains the command allowing you to Disconnect From DOCs.
The information on working within the integration mode is available in the T-FLEX DOCs Integration chapter.