When editing the text content in a 2D or 3D view window, a hyperlink can be inserted using the contextual menu command: Insert
Hyperlink <Alt>+<F6>. The command parameters are displayed in the Parameters
service window.
When editing the text content in the editor, this command is available on the Standard toolbar, as well as in the Insert > Hyperlink drop-down menu. The command parameters are displayed in a separate dialog box.
The set of available command parameters is the same in both cases, the difference is only in the form of the display.
After calling the command, you need to select the type of hyperlink. The following types are available:
Next, you should set the necessary link parameters. The set of available link parameters depends on its type. After the parameters are set, you should confirm the creation of the link using the automenu option <Ctrl>+<Enter> (when working in a 2D or 3D view window), or by clicking OK (when working in the editor).
When creating links of all types except the Dimension, the Text input box is available in the link parameters. The link will be displayed in the drawing in the form of text typed into this input box. Depending on the selected reference element, the system automatically suggest some text, but you can enter any text from the keyboard instead of the automatically entered one.
If you select a part of the text before calling the link creation command, the selected text automatically becomes the link text.
When displaying the drawing in electronic form, the text of the link is always displayed in blue and highlighted with an underline (except for the text content editing mode in a 2D window).
When printing, as well as when editing the text content in a 2D or 3D window, the color and the presence of an underline are determined by the font parameters.
When editing a previously created link, the Text field in is missing from its parameters. However, the link text can be edited in the same way as regular text directly in a 2D window or in a text editor.
Working with created links
To follow the created link outside the text content editing mode, just click on the link text.
To follow the created link in the text editor, press +<Ctrl> on the link text.
To follow the created link in the text content editing mode in a 2D or 3D window, use the command Open Hyperlink in the contextual menu.
To edit a previously created link in a 2D window, you need to switch to the mode of editing the content of link's parent text object and use the command Edit Hyperlink in the contextual menu.
To edit a previously created link in the text editor, click on the link text and use the Parameters... command in the contextual menu.
A link to any network resource. Clicking on the link opens the resource in the default browser.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, two input boxes are available:
•Address - the network address of the resource.
Link to any local file. Clicking on the link opens a file in the program used by the operating system by default to open files of this type, or opens the system application selection window.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, two input boxes are available:
•File - the local address of the file. The Open button is available in the right side of the input box, which invokes the drop-down list:
All files opened in the current session are available in the drop-down list (except those that have not yet been saved to disk), as well as two commands:
o Select
Allows you to select a file on disk in the standard Windows Explorer window.
By default, when selecting a file, only T-FLEX CAD documents (*.grs, *grb) are displayed. However, you can create a link to any type of file. To display other file types, select the necessary type or the All files (*.*) option in the drop-down list. Working with the Explorer window is carried out in the same way as described in the Open Model section.
o Select embedded...
Allows you to select a file from the list of internal (embedded) documents, if there are any in the current document.
Link to any 2D or 3D element or set of elements.
A text containing a link can be located:
•In a drawing view (including 2D projections)
Following such link is possible only when this view is activated.
•On a workplane/surface
Following such link is possible only in the mode of drawing on this WP or from a page of this WP in a 2D window.
•On a drawing page outside drawing views
Following such link is possible only when none of the drawing views located on the same page is active.
Reference elements can be located:
•In the 3D scene
When selecting a first element in the 3D scene, subsequent elements can only be selected in the 3D scene.
•On a same workplane/surface
When selecting a first element on a WP, the selection of subsequent elements is possible only on the same WP.
•On a same drawing page outside of drawing views
When selecting the first element on a drawing page outside of drawing views, the selection of subsequent elements is possible only on the same page outside of drawing views.
•In a same drawing view (including 2D projections)
When selecting the first element in a drawing view, the selection of subsequent elements is possible only in the same view.
If you are creating a link on a page that contains several drawing views/projections, and the text containing the link does not belong to any of them, then you should keep in mind that:
•Selecting a first reference element on a projection located on the same page as the link text will make it impossible to select subsequent elements. To select a set of elements in such cases, switch to the page of the corresponding projection before selecting the first element.
•To select individual reference elements in drawing views that are not projections, switch to the page of the corresponding view before selecting the first element. If you try to select an element in the view without switching to its page, the entire view will be selected as a reference element.
If you are creating a link on a page that contains several drawing views/projections, and the text containing the link belongs to one of them, then you should keep in mind that:
•Creating links to elements that do not belong to any of the drawing views/projections is not possible in this case.
•To select reference elements in another drawing view/projection, switch to the page of this view/projection before selecting the first element. Otherwise, elements of other views/projections will not be available for selection.
Following a link centers the camera in a 2D or 3D window (depending on where the reference elements are located) so that all the reference objects are visible.
At the same time, if the view window suitable for displaying corresponding type of reference elements is not open at the time of following a link, than a new view window will be automatically opened in a new document window.
If the reference elements are located on another page of the drawing relative to the link itself, the view will automatically switch to this page.
If the reference elements are located in the drawing view/projection, then a separate page of this view/projection will be opened, even if the link itself belongs to the same view/projection.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, two input boxes are available:
•Objects - the list of reference elements. After activating this list, you can select the necessary objects in a 2D or 3D window using . When selecting, pay attention to the active filters on the filter toolbar. Using the buttons located to the right of the list, you can Expand
, Collapse
, or Clear
the list, or Delete Element from the List
. Items in the list can be selected using
A link to any of the dimensions available in the current document (in a drawing or in a 3D scene). Following a link centers the camera on the selected dimension in the same way as objects link. Unlike an objects link, dimension's nominal value, tolerance, deviations, or any of the possible combinations of the listed parameters can be displayed as link text.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, the following controls are available:
•Dimension input box
Activating this box enables the dimensions selection filter on the filter toolbar, after which you can select the necessary dimension in a 2D or 3D window. The name of the selected dimension, its ID and the icon symbolizing the type of dimension are displayed in this box. Selecting the next dimension cancels the selection of the previous one.
•Nominal, Tolerance, Deviations checkboxes
The parameters of the selected dimensions corresponding to the enabled checkboxes will be displayed as the link text. In future, the link text is automatically updated when the selected parameters are changed. To create a link, you must enable at least one of the checkboxes.
Link to a page of the current document. Following a link opens the specified page, positioning the camera in such a way as to fit the specified area of the page.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, the following controls are available:
•Page drop-down list
It is used to select a reference page. All pages of the current document belonging to the following types are available in the list: Normal,
Bill of Materials.
•input boxes for the X and Y coordinates of the First and Second corners
The first and second corners are used to set the area that determines the position of the camera when following the link.
•Text input box.
A link to any of the macros available in the current document. Clicking on the link triggers the macro.
When creating a hyperlink of this type, two input boxes are available:
Displays the name of the selected macro. To select a macro, use the [...] button located on the right side of the input box. This button opens a macro selection dialog similar to the one described in the Debugging, Compiling and Running Macros section.
• Text