Activate Drawing View or 2D Projection

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Activate a view

The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Draw > Draw > Activate...

Sheet Metal (2D) > Draw > Activate...


Textual Menu


View > Drawing View > Activate...

Calling the command invokes the dialog, where you can see the list of all drawing views (including details with caption and 2D projections of 3D model) belonging to the current drawing page. Select the desired view in the list and click OK. The selected view will be activated.


There alternative ways of activating a drawing view. Move the mouse cursor over a drawing view, so that view boundaries and view content are highlighted in light magenta. When doing so for details or 2D projections, avoid moving the cursor over view content (including the hidden part of detail outline). Next, either double-click mouse left (the view gets activated immediately), or single click mouse right to invoke the contextual menu and then select the 2DProjectionActivate20x20 Activate (the view gets activated in the current document window) or 2DProjectionActivateNewWindow20x20 Activate in New Window command in said menu (the view gets activated in new document window).

Deactivate a view

An active view can be deactivated in one of the following ways:

Double click mouse left outside view boundaries;

Call the Activate20x20 Activate... command again.
When calling the Activate20x20 Activate... command within an active view, the dialog appears, similar to the list of view. However this time the list only contains a single item - <Main View>. Select this item and click OK. The view will be deactivated.


Use the following command:






Textual Menu


View > Drawing View > Close

The command is also available in the contextual menu, which can be invoked by pressing mouse right anywhere within the 2D window.

Nested views

Detail views by elements and by contour are nested within a parent view. Moreover, creating a basic drawing view, while another view is active, makes the new view nested within the active one. If the parent view is inactive, then boundaries of its nested views are not displayed, and an attempt to select particular elements belonging to nested views selects the parent view. In order to select a nested view, you have to activate its parent view first. Upon activating the parent view, its nested views can be activated using the same methods as for activating non-nested views. If the parent view is inactive, then the list of views invoked by the Activate20x20 Activate... command doesn't contain its nested views. If the active view contains nested views, then such views are displayed within the list of views invoked by the Activate20x20 Activate... command in addition to the <Main View> item. Deactivating a nested view using any of the aforementioned methods activates its parent view.


In order to deactivate views of all nesting levels at once, use the following command:






Textual Menu


View > Drawing View > Close All

The DeactivateAll20x20 Close All Drawing Views command is also available in the contextual menu, which can be invoked by pressing mouse right anywhere within the 2D window.

Working with active view

When a view is active, its boundaries are highlighted in light magenta and all drawing elements not belonging to the active view are displayed in dull colors. Any 2D elements created in a drawing within this mode belong to the active view.