Radial Dimension

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Creating radial dimension without using additional options

In order to create a radial dimension, upon calling the LinkDimension20x20 Dimension command, select a circle or circular arc by clicking it with mouse left. Construction and graphic lines are both available for selection. The preview of the dimension appears, while shoulder direction, dimension symbol, dimension linking options and common options of 2D elements creation commands become available in the automenu. By default, selecting a full circle results in creating a diameter dimension, selecting an arc results in creating a radius dimension. In both cases, you can switch between diameter and radius, by changing symbol on arrow, which changes not only the symbol itself, but the value as well.

The configuration of the dimension line may be changed using the change dimension type option. Following dimension types are available:

For radius




Change dimension type















To opposite point




For diameter




Change dimension type



Two arrows






One arrow






Arrow with serif




After creating the dimension, the configuration of the dimension line may be changed without calling the dimension editing command, using the quick editing buttons similar to the automenu options listed above.

Activating this option by pressing the <M> hotkey or by simple clicks mouse left on its automenu icon results in sequential switching between all available types. The icon displayed for this option on the upper level of the automenu mouse left represents the currently selected type. If you press and hold mouse left on this icon, the drop-down list will appear allowing you to directly select any of the available types.

As the preview of the dimension appears, the dimension line starts following the cursor by rotating around the center of the circle/arc, while the dimension value follows the cursor along the dimension line. Set the desired positions of dimension line and value by moving the cursor, and confirm it by pressing mouse left or <Enter>. The dimension will be created. Upon creating a dimension, the command returns to initial state.

Creating radial dimension length using the automenu

Upon calling the LinkDimension20x20 Dimension command, a construction circle may also be selected using the following automenu option:



Select Circle

Upon activating this option, clicking mouse left anywhere in the drawing results in instant automatic creation of a diameter dimension on a construction circle nearest to the point of clicking. The value of such dimension us located at the point of clicking. Upon creating a dimension, the command returns to initial state.

See Also:

Cross in Center