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Command call:




3D Model > Additional > Dimension

Draw > Appearance > Dimension

Assembly > Additional > Dimension

Measure > Measure > Dimension

Analysis > Additional > Dimension

Sheet Metal (2D) > Appearance> Dimension

Sheet Metal (3D) > Additional > Dimension

Surfaces > Additional > Dimension

Weld > Additional > Dimension

Routing > Additional > Dimension

Primitives > Additional > Dimension

Support Geometry > Additional > Dimension

Remarks > Remarks > Dimension

Workplane > Appearance > Dimension


Textual Menu


Draw > Dimension

The command creates dimensions in drawing or 3D scene.

The info below is applicable to creating dimensions in drawings and on active workplanes. Dimensions in 3D scene have same parameters, but different set of automenu options and different source objects. Specifics of creating dimensions in 3D scene are described in the separate section.

At first, you should decide a category of dimension to be created (linear, angular, radial, by arc, special) and a dimension creation method to be used. Methods listed below can be applied right upon calling the command without activating any special options:

Distance between Two Parallel Straight Lines or Line and Point

Angle between Two Straight Lines

Distance between Two Points

Ellipse Axis Length

Offset of Equidistant Curve

Distance between Point on Curve and its Projection on Other Curve

Radial Dimension

Full Arc Length

Straight Line Segment Length

Distance between Circle and Object

Other dimension creation methods require activation of one of the following automenu options:



Radial Dimension with stepped line



Arc dimensions



Dimensions by one Image Line



Dimensions by Four Nodes



Linear Dimensions by Three Nodes



Cone Dimension



Dimensions from one baseline



Dimension Chain



Ordinate dimension



Leader Dimension



Dimensions from Axis



Dimension between circle and object

Such methods have their own set of automenu options, which become available upon activating one of the options listed above and replace the initial set of options. Method-specific options are described separately in the sections describing particular methods.

Upon activating any of the options listed above, you can return to the initial state of the command using the following automenu option:



Return to previous mode

Dimension creation begins with selecting source objects. Dimensions in drawing and on active workplane can be based on objects of the following types:

construction lines of any shape;

graphic lines of any shape, including lines projected from 3D model;

2D nodes;

characteristic points of graphic lines;

points of construction lines junctions and intersections (upon selecting such point, a 2D node is automatically created there and dimension is based on such node).

In order to select an object move the cursor over it and press mouse left. Object of some types might also be selected using the following automenu options:



Select Node



Select Line



Select Circle

Activate one of these options and click mouse left anywhere in a drawing. In result, the object of the corresponding type nearest to the point of clicking will be selected.

Selected object get highlighted. Highlighting color depends on the type of object.

Different dimension creation methods require different numbers and types of source objects, so source objects selection algorithms are described separately for each method.

If an object was selected by mistake, but the dimension has not been created yet, you can cancel the selection using the following automenu option:



Cancel Selection

Upon selecting all required objects, the preview of the dimension appears and the dimension line and value start following the cursor within degrees of freedom defined by selected object. At this stage, the dimension line and value positioning, dimension sigh change and dimension linking options appear in the automenu. Then you should specify points defining positions of dimension line, witness lines, leader line and dimension value. Number of such points depends on the desired configuration of the dimension. These points have to be specified using mouse left.

Dimension parameters can be set in the parameters window at any stage of creating the dimension.

In addition to the options mentioned above, following options common for most 2D elements creation commands are displayed in the automenu of the Dimension command:



Finish input



Set Dimension parameters



Copy Properties from Existing Element



Edit Dimension



Exit command

The Finish input option can only be used during editing of an existing dimension, as creation of a new dimension finishes automatically, upon specifying all necessary points.

Main Components of Dimension


1 - witness line

2 - dimension line

3 - arrow of dimension line

4 - leader line

5 - leader line shoulder (jog)

6 - text before value

7 - dimension symbol

8 - dimension value

9 - text after value

10 - text under value

11 - hole tolerance zone

12 - hole limit deviations

13 - shaft tolerance zone

14 - shaft limit deviations

Dimension Manipulators

Markers, manipulators and buttons for quick editing of a dimension are displayed, upon selecting a dimension in 3D scene or moving the cursor over a dimension in drawing. Click mouse left a manipulator or a button to perform a corresponding action. See more in the Dimension Manipulators section.

Thread designation

If a thread is created in 3D model via the Thread20x20 Thread command or via threaded holes creation mode of the Hole20x20 Hole command, then 2D dimension based on projected lines of such thread automatically contains a thread designation. Upon selecting a projected line of a thread as source object of a dimension, the From lines option get automatically enabled for the nominal value of the dimension, which makes the value contain a the thread designation based on parameters of the corresponding 3D operation.


Specifics of creating dimensions on 2D projections of 3D model



Dimensions on 2D projection

in default mode

in 3D mode

All dimensions, except level markers, can be represented on 2D projections in 3D mode, which makes them lay in planes of their source objects. See more in the Modes of displaying dimensions in 2D projections section.

Moreover, you can change geometry of a 3D model by changing values of dimensions on 2D projections. See more in the Using Projected Dimensions for Managing 3D Model section.

Alignment of dimensions

Multiple parallel dimensions can be aligned in relation to each other via special commands of contextual menu.

Driving dimensions

Dimensions might be used not only for displaying the information on elements' geometrical parameters, but also for managing the geometry of drawing and 3D scene. Info on this topic is available in Driving 3D Dimensions and Driving 2D Dimensions sections.

Topics in this section:

Manipulators of Dimension

Dimension Categories and Creation Methods

Dimension Parameters

Position of Dimension Line and Value

Driving 2D Dimensions

Auxiliary Dimensions

Dimension in 3D Scene

Alignment of Dimensions

Link Dimension with Another Dimension

Contextual Menu of Dimension

Edit Dimensions

See Also:

Snapping Dimensions and Leader Notes to Drawing Views

Font Parameters of Drawing Detailing Elements

Change Size of Font and Arrows for All Elements on Current Page

Drawing Detailing Elements on 2D Projection

Driving 3D Dimensions