Leader Dimension

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In order to create a dimension representing length of a selected element as a leader note, upon calling the LinkDimension20x20 Dimension command, activate the following automenu option:



Leader Dimension

Upon activating this option, the preview of the dimension appears near the cursor.

Then you should select a source object by clicking it with mouse left. You can select lines of any type, except construction lines without 2D nodes, as well as 2D nodes, characteristic points of graphic lines, intersections of construction lines and arbitrary points of the drawing. Upon selecting an intersection of construction lines, or an arbitrary point, a 2D node is automatically created there. The selected object defines the position of leader note's arrow, so then only the shoulder of the leader note follows the cursor. If a graphic line is selected, then the dimension value gets calculated automatically and is equal to the length of the line. If an object of any other type is selected, then the dimension value is equal to zero, but can be edited manually. Thus you can created dimensions similar to these:


Following automenu option allows selecting more graphic lines, in addition to the first source object. The length of the selected lines will be added to the dimension value.



Select objects to measure

Upon activating this option, select all desired lines by clicking them with mouse left in any order. Selected lines will be highlighted.


Upon selecting all desired lines, you can confirm or cancel the selection, using one of the following automenu options:



End Dimension Chain Input



Cancel Selection

In both cases, the command will return to the positioning of leader note's shoulder.

During positioning of leader note's shoulder shoulder direction, dimension symbol, dimension linking options and common options of 2D elements creation commands are available in the automenu.

Click mouse left an arbitrary point of the drawing, which will define the position of the shoulder. The dimension will be created. Upon creating a dimension, the command stays in the mode of creating leader dimensions.