Ordinate Dimensions (Level Markers)

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Ordinate dimensions (level markers) indicate vertical distance in relation to a selected zero level.

Dimensional tolerance and alternative dimension are non-applicable to ordinate dimensions

In order to create such dimension, upon calling the LinkDimension20x20 Dimension command, activate the following automenu option:



Ordinate dimension

Activating this option set selection filters so, that only points, horizontal lines and horizontal line segments can be selected.

Upon activating the option, you should either create a new zero level marker, or select one of existing level markers as zero level

Creating new zero level marker

In order to create a new ordinate dimension, select a source object by clicking it with mouse left. The source object may belong to tone of the following types:

Characteristic points of graphic lines, 2D nodes and intersections of construction lines can be selected as points. Selecting an intersection of construction lines results in automatic creation of a connected 2D node there. The selected point is the point of measurement.

Horizontal construction line.
The point of measurement is a 2D node laying on the selected line. If there are multiple 2D nodes on the line, the point of measurement is the one nearest to the cursor during line selection. If there are no 2D nodes on the line, such line cannot be selected.

Horizontal graphic line segment.
The point of measurement is the endpoint of the selected segment nearest to the cursor during segment selection.

Horizontal construction lines and 2D nodes may also be selected using the following automenu options:



Select Line



Select Node

Upon activating any of these options, clicking mouse left anywhere in drawing select a nearest object of the corresponding type.

Upon selecting the source object, the dynamic preview of the dimension appears, while dimension line and value positioning, dimension linking options and common options of 2D elements creation commands become available in the automenu. Horizontal leader line connects dimension line with the point of measurement. The leader line display may be disabled by disabling the Leader Line checkbox located at the Style tab of the parameters window. Dimension line is vertical and follows the cursor horizontally. The arrow of the special type pointing towards the leader line is located at the endpoint of the dimension line nearest to the leader line. Another endpoint of the dimension line follows the cursor in all directions. Shoulder  containing the dimension value is attached to the second endpoint of the dimension line. The length of the shoulder id automatically adjusted, so that it fits the dimension value, sign and accompanying text strings. For zero level marker, the value is equal to zero and the sign is not displayed.

Set the desired positions of dimension line and value by moving the cursor, and confirm it by pressing mouse left or <Enter>. The dimension will be created.


Selecting an existing zero level marker

Instead of creating a new zero level marker, you can select an already existing one, as basic for creating subsequent ordinate dimensions. To do so, upon entering the ordinate dimension creation mode, activate the following automenu option, and then click the desired level marker with mouse left.



Select ordinate dimension

Instead of selecting a zero level marker directly, you can select any other level marker. In result the zero level, which the selected level marker is based on, will be used.

Marking levels in relation to a selected zero level

Upon creating or selecting a zero level marker, the command stays in the mode of creating ordinate dimensions based on the selected zero level. Subsequent ordinate dimensions are created in the same way as creating zero level marker. Values of subsequent dimensions represent vertical distances from the selected zero level. Sign of subsequent dimensions depends on the direction from the zero level to the current level (downward - minus, upward - plus). The "+" sign in front of positive values may be disabled by disabling the Show "Plus" checkbox located in the Style tab of the parameters window.

When selecting source objects for subsequent ordinate dimensions, you can also use the Line3DNode 2D nodes and LineDiagonal construction lines selection options. However, here they work differently, compared to the zero level marker creation. Upon selecting a node or a line using these options, a dimension is created instantly, and its dimension line and value are snapped to the point, where you clicked mouse left in order to select a source object, so the stage of positioning dimension line and value is skipped.


When creating ordinate dimensions based on selected zero level, the zero level selection option is not available. If you need to define a different zero level, then you should exit the mode of creating dimensions based on the current zero level. To do so, press mouse right or activate the following automenu option instead of selecting a source object:



Cancel selection

In result, the command will return to the initial state of the ordinate dimensions creation mode.

Then you can create new or select existing zero level, as described above, or exit to the initial state of the LinkDimension20x20 Dimension command using the following automenu option:



Return to previous mode