Upon creating an element, the system assigns it a default name. Default names consist of element's type and numbering order. Thus, a uniqueness of names is insured. You can customize default names for 3D elements (see the Names Customization for 3D Elements section).
Upon creating an element, you can change a default name to a custom text.
In order to change a name of a 3D element, invoke the element's parameters dialog and change the value in the corresponding input box (see the Common Parameters of 3D Elements section).
In order to change a name of a 2D element, use the Element name... command available in element's contextual menu. Calling the command invokes the dialog window, where you can input a new name.
A name is a unique attribute of an element. If the specified name coincides with an already existing name, the system will display the message: "This name already exists" and you will have to input another name.
Alternatively, the name inputting dialog can be invoked from the automenu of 2D elements editing commands.
Names of elements are used for:
•displaying elements in tool windows
•search for elements using the Find command;
•selecting elements from the list using the option , available in automenus of some commands;
•creating 2D nodes from fragments.
Default names of 2D elements are only used for displaying elements in tool windows, while other ways of usage are only available for user-defined names. Therefore, help system's descriptions of working with 2D elements utilizes the named elements term fro referring to elements, whose names are defined by the user. For 3D elements default and user-defined names are used equally.