2D Path

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The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Draw > Construct > Path

Workplane > Construct > Path


Textual Menu


Construct > Path

A path is a construction line passing through a sequence of nodes. The segments between the nodes can be straight lines or portions of construction elements (lines, circles, ellipses, splines and other paths) passing between those nodes.

The 2D path creation procedure consists of selecting 2D nodes forming a sequence. After selecting the start node, you can select a construction line that connects this and the next node. Both nodes must belong to this construction line.

The step-by-step process is as follows:

1. Select the start node;

2. Select a construction line connecting the start node with the end node (optional);

3. Select the end node.

4. Confirm path creation or repeat the step 2. The end node selected in the step 3, becomes the start node for the next segment of the path.

Automenu options

Following options are available upon calling the command:

mouse left


Select a node or create a node at the nearest construction line intersection



Connected node



Free node



Set selected Element(s) Parameters



Select Node



Select Line



Select Circle



Select Ellipse



Select Spline



Edit Construction



Exit command

Upon selecting the start node and the first segment, you can do the following:



Select Graphic line        

This option allows defining a path contour along graphic lines. Keep in mind that this approach can only be used when the path segments coincide with the graphic lines. In the case of multiple selection choices, the cursor should be pointing to the necessary graphic line when using the <Space> option.

To speed up the process, one can use the option:



Find contour automatically        

This option will search for the next path segment automatically until the contour is closed (in the case of the closed path) or until reaches a dubious situation (when the path is ending or forking).

In both cases (when using the <Space> option, and upon automatic selection of the contour with the PathAuto) the system can select, as a next segment, the graphic line located at some distance from the last selected segment. This happens when the distance between neighboring nodes of graphic lines does not exceed the Search Accuracy. It determines the maximum allowed distance between nodes – line ends, for which these nodes are considered coinciding, and the graphic lines – connected. The Search Accuracy can be changed in the parameters window.

One can define a path using the same operations as in graphic line creation. In other words, one needs to define a sequence of path segment lines each having the start and the end node. To define the start or the end of a path segment line, select existing nodes (the key <N>) or create new ones (the key <Enter>) at intersections of construction line pairs

As in the case of graphic entity creation, an arc is defined by first selecting a node, and then the construction circle by mouse left clicking it or typing <C>. Otherwise, a straight line will be created between the two nodes as the path segment instead of the arc.



Path by arc

Path by two nodes

Including an elliptical arc or a spline or other curve segment in a path is similar to creating a circular arc.

To define a path represented by a full circle, then without selecting any nodes point the cursor to the circle and type <С>. One can also construct a path from an ellipse, spline or other curve by using the options <E> and <S>, respectively.

In order to reverse the direction of path along an arc or circle, use the following option:



Change arc direction

To cancel the last input path segment, use the following option:



Delete last Contour segment

All three above-mentioned techniques can be combined when defining a path.


A path can be closed by using the following option:



Close Contour        

Alternatively, just select a starting node of the first segment as the ending node of the last segment and finish input AutomenuOk1, in order to create a closed contour.

To complete the path creation, upon defining all segments, use the following option:



Finish input

To cancel a path creation, use the following option or the mouse right:



Cancel selection

Whenever two or more nodal points are defined, the right-click Правый клик Текст brings up the Right button action dialog, unless the Don't Show this dialog in future option was enabled earlier in the current session.

Topics in this section:

2D Path Parameters

See also:

Edit 2D Paths

Right button action