Quick Access Toolbar

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The Quick Access Toolbar is located in the upper left corner area of the T-FLEX CAD main window. It contains following elements:

Cad17Logo T-FLEX CAD main window controls drop-down menu

dropdownlist textual menu button

commands for document management:


o3D Model,

oFrom Prototype,






o Document Parameters

Drop-down menus Dropdown8x8 containing additional commands are available near some of the commands.

RecentCommandsDropdown28x16 Recent Commands drop-down menu

PanelsIcon2 drop-down menu of quick access toolbar customization

The quick access toolbar is always available, and its content does not depend on the active ribbon tab.

Customize Quick Access Toolbar


Upper section of the quick access toolbar customization drop-down menu contains list of commands available by default for display in this toolbar. A command is displayed in the toolbar, if its checkbox is enabled in the list. In order to enable or disable a checkbox, click mouse left the name of the desired command in the list. The More Commands... option invokes the toolbars customization dialog for adding any other commands to the toolbar.

The Show Below the Ribbon option switches the toolbar's position. In alternative position this option is replaced by the Show Above the Ribbon option.

The Minimize the Ribbon option is also available.

Last two options are also available in the contextual menu invoked by clicking mouse right on any of the quick access toolbar command icons. Additionally it contains options to remove selected command from the toolbar and to call the toolbars customization dialog (Customize Quick Access Toolbar option)
