Create Vertex Chamfer

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For a vertex at which three or more edges meet it is possible to create a chamfer without chamfering adjacent edges. It cuts body by polygon created using points defined by Offset values for the adjacent edges. In some complex cases the resulting chamfer surface will be curved.

Vertex chamfer can not be created when edges of opposite convexity meet at this vertex or when one of the edges splits tangent faces.

Following steps should be done, upon calling the Edge Blend command, to create a vertex chamfer:

1. Click Левый клик Текст on a vertex in the mode SelectEdgeFaceVertex of selecting faces, edges and vertices. All edges meeting at this vertex will be added to the list on the Edges tab of the Parameters window. The vertex itself won't be put in the list. Zero-value offsets from the selected vertex are automatically set when selecting edges using this way. This is indicated by appearing of offset manipulators.

Select edges meeting at a single vertex only. Creating chamfers on a multiple vertices in a single operation is impossible.

2.  Specify offset values.

This can be done in the same way as for rounding using offset manipulators or in the Parameters window.

3. Select vertex and enable Chamfer checkbox for it.

It is impossible to select a vertex before setting offset values, because, when offsets are equal to zero, manipulators overlap the vertex

Select a single vertex only - the one where selected edges meet. Creating chamfers on a multiple vertices in a single operation is impossible.

 BlendSpecial7 BlendSpecial7-1

4. Finish input AutomenuOk1.
