Toolbar of Assembly Structure Window

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The toolbar located at the top of the SWAssyStructure20x20 Assembly Structure window contains following tools:

Refresh Update
Updates the assembly structure: displays new items, updates information about item relevance, and so on.

ProductStructure2 Filter
Opens the filters drop-down menu. The assembly structure panel will only contain those elements, whose checkboxes are enabled in the menu. In order to enable or disable a checkbox, click mouse left the desired item in the menu.


ProductStructure4 Actions
Opens the drop-down menu of possible actions (see the subsection below for details).

ProductStructure5 Group by Links
Switches structure display mode.

Crosshair20x20Show selected object
Points the camera in 2D or 3D window onto the element selected in the SWAssyStructure20x20 Assembly structure window (more info available in the Finding Selected Element section)

32ProductStructure6S Parameters
Opens the settings drop-down menu, where you can choose to display the necessary columns, customize the display of the parameters panel and set the double click action mouse leftmouse left (No, Edit Fragment in Context, Open File, Edit Object Parameters).


The search bar allows you to find the desired assembly element by its designation, name or fragment name.


ProductStructure4 Actions


The following actions are available in the SWAssyStructure20x20 Assembly Structure window:

UpdateLinks20x20Update Links
Updates links to the file fragments. If changes have been made and saved in the fragment, the SWAssyStructure20x20 Assembly Structure window will show it. An icon ProductStructure8 will appear in front of the fragment. The icon indicates that you need to update the reference to the fragment file so that the changes made in the fragment appear in the assembly. After the UpdateLinks20x20 Update Links command is executed, the icon will change and the assembly will show the changes made in the fragment.


FragmentUpdateUpdate Linked Details
If in an assembly, a body or fragment has been saved to a separate file with the ability to update (for more information, see Save geometry with update possibility), then you can update the geometry of the saved details, according to the changes in the assembly, using this command.

CreateSubassembly20x20Create subassembly. The command places the selected fragments in a separate new file with the ability to substitute the created assembly unit into the assembly (for more information, see Assembly unit creation). The new fragment file is part of the assembly structure.

Update20x20Update Reference Element Geometry
The command will update all reference elements in the specified fragment, recalculate the fragment completely, and save it.

Update Geometry of all Reference Elements
The command will update all the reference elements of all the assembly fragments, completely recalculate the fragments and save them.

UpdateAssembly20x20Update Assembly
The command will consequently save all of the fragments from the fragments of the lower levels to the upper ones. The command is used to consequently update all changes in fragments and save them in all subassemblies.

RefreshFiles20x20Refresh Files
The command will update and save files of adaptive fragment and fragments with external variables according to their variations in the assembly. If there is a fragment in the assembly, which has multiple variations due to geometric parameters or external variables, then when this command is executed, the last of the created variations will be substituted inside the fragment file.

The command is not suitable for creating a detailing if the assembly has fragments with multiple executions, i.e. with different values of geometric parameters and external variables.

Creates a file in the "str" format (you can open it with any program that allows you to open files in the "txt" format) The file contains a full path and external variables of each fragment.

SaveAll20x20Save All
Saves all the fragments currently open in the system.