In order to connect T-FLEX CAD to T-FLEX DOCs, you have to set integration parameters first. As the parameters are set, you can connect to DOCs or disconnect from it at any moment.
Setting integration parameters
If a current instance of T-FLEX CAD was never used in integration with DOCs, then you have to set integration parameters first.
Integration parameters are set in the T-FLEX DOCs tab of the system options dialog. Click the integration panel located in the upper right corner of the T-FLEX CAD main window and select the Options command in the appeared menu, in order to open the said tab.
The detailed information on integration parameters can be found in the section describing the T-FLEX DOCs tab.
Several T-FLEX DOCs clients can be installed on the same device, and each client can be used for connecting to several servers.
When setting integration parameters, you select a T-FLEX DOCs client to be integrated. In result, T-FLEX CAD uses current connection settings (server name, login, password, etc.) of a selected client. The client itself doesn't have to be launched for using the integration.
After initial setting of integration parameters, in all further sessions of working with the current T-FLEX CAD instance you can connect to or disconnect from a T-FLEX DOCs server in a couple of mouse clicks.
In order to disable the integration you have to select the No value in the client selection drop-down list in integration parameters.
Connecting to T-FLEX DOCs server
If a T-FLEX DOCs client is selected in integration parameters, then T-FLEX CAD uses connection settings of this client.
If the Connect Automatically checkbox is enabled in connection settings, then T-FLEX CAD will connect automatically to T-FLEX DOCs server on start. The T-FLEX DOCs window, where you can cancel the connection is displayed during the connection process.
If the Connect Automatically checkbox is disabled, then upon launching the T-FLEX CAD application, a T-FLEX DOCs connection settings window will be displayed, where you can change settings, connect to the server or cancel the connection.
Detailed information on connection settings is available in the T-FLEX DOCs Help.
If a connection was not performed on start of the CAD, then you can Connect to DOCs later at any moment, using the command accessible via clicking the integration panel located in the upper right corner of the T-FLEX CAD main window. Depending on the status of the Connect Automatically checkbox, calling this command either instantly connects the CAD to the server, or invokes the connection settings window.
After establishing the connection the name of the connected user is displayed in the same panel.
Disconnecting from T-FLEX DOCs server
The Disconnect from T‑FLEX DOCs command is available, upon clicking the username. It disconnects the current user from DOCs leaving the CAD window open.