3D Connector

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The 3D connector is a LCS, which is assigned named values. Named values contain information (variable values) that the 3D connector must pass to the 3D fragments connected to it. For example, among the bolt fragments included in the library of the standard T-FLEX CAD elements, 3D fragments containing data about the current diameter of the bolt were created. Upon snapping the fragment-nut (from the same library) to such 3D connector, the nut diameter will be automatically replaced with the value taken from the 3D connector.

The image of the 3D connector differs from that of the standard LCS by the form of the axes arrows. Specifying position and direction of the 3D connectors axes is performed in the same way as upon creating the standard LCS.


The 3D connector has several image options in the 3D window. The image depends on the type of 3D connector:

By default, it looks like a 3D connector, the role of the axes depends on the context of use.

Type A - there is one selected direction, the orientation of the other axes is not fundamental (typical for single wire connections, etc.).

Type B - there are two dedicated directions. (typical for AC socket–plug type connections (i.e. polarity reversal is acceptable), etc.).

Type C - all three directions have values. (typical for cable connections with a key ... (cable connector), etc.)

Detailed information on the use of types A, B and C connectors can be obtained in the Routing section.

Working with 3D connectors

When connecting a 3D fragment (for example, a washer) to the 3D connector of another 3D fragment (for example, to a bolt), the diameter of the washer will be automatically assigned a value read from the 3D connector. For successful automatic connection of variables with the 3D connector, certain conditions must be met:

1.The 3D connector should be assigned named values (see Specifying named values for 3D Connector below). The names of these values will later be the link between the variables of the 3D fragment having a 3D connector (bolt) and the variables of the connected 3D fragment (washer).

2.For the corresponding variable of the 3D fragment, a named value corresponding to the value of the mating 3D connector must be set (see Specifying value names for connection with the 3D Connector below). You need to set the name of the 3D connector value for the variable in advance in the 3D fragment file in the variable editor by changing its parameters.

3.When inserting a 3D fragment, you need to select a 3D connector. At the time of connecting, the system looks for a match between the name of the value of the 3D connector (item 1) of the source fragment (bolt) and the named value of the 3D connector of one of the external variables (item 2) of the connected 3D fragment (washer). If a match is found, the value of the variable transferred through the 3D connector is assigned to the external variable. The connection with the 3D connector will be saved. If necessary, you can disconnect from the 3D connector (see Disconnecting from the 3D connector)

See a specific example of working with 3D connectors in the 3D Connectors Usage section in the Creating 3D Assembly Models chapter.

Specifying named values for 3D Connector

Named connector values are set in the LCS parameters dialog.  The input becomes available after selecting the Connector type of LCS (Connector Values section).


In the list placed in this section of the parameters window, the names of named connector values, their expressions and current values are indicated. To fill in the list of named values, use the buttons located above the list.


To add a new named value to the list, the button 3DConnectorAdding is used. After pressing this button, the dialog window Connector Value will appear, in which the name of the named value being created and expression assigned to it have to be specified. Both constant values as well as the variables of the current document can be used in the expression. After pressing OK the specified named value will appear in the list.


It is recommended to specify “meaningful” names for the named 3D connector values sticking to the same name creation rules in all 3D models. This will simplify the setup of the connection between the connector values and external variables of the fragments snapped to it. For example, at first sight complicated names like DiameterOuterMetricThread, ThreadPitchMetric, LengthInnerMetricThread, LengthInnerInchThread used in the standard T-FLEX CAD libraries, are actually made up according to the common to all libraries rules and exactly show what information is transferred by the given 3D connector value.

The following names of 3D connectors are accepted in the T-FLEX CAD system:

DiameterOuterMetricThread - Nominal diameter of the outer metric thread  

DiameterOuterMetric - Diameter of the outer cylinder in millimeters  

DiameterInnerMetricThread - Nominal diameter of the inner metric thread  

DiameterInnerMetric - Diameter of the inner cylinder in millimeters  

DiameterOuterInchThread - Nominal diameter of the outer inch thread  

DiameterOuterInch - Diameter of the outer cylinder in inches  

DiameterInnerInchThread - Nominal diameter of the inner inch thread  

DiameterInnerInch - Diameter of the inner cylinder in inches

Pressing the button 3DConnectorDeletion removes the named value selected in the list at the moment of pressing the button.

By pressing the button 3DConnectorParameters, it is possible to rename already created named 3D connector value or the expression specified for connector value.

The button 3DConnectorCopy allows a user to copy all named 3D connector values and their expressions to the clipboard. The button 3DConnectorPastle adds the lines located in the clipboard of the system to the list of the named values (if in the list there are no named values with the same names). Copying the named values via clipboard works in the framework of the same instance of T-FLEX CAD application. Thus, it is possible to copy the named values from one document to another. Moreover, variables copied in the editor or in the Variables window can be pasted from the clipboard into the list of connector values.

Specifying value names for connection with the 3D Connector

The value name of the mating 3D connector for the variable is set in the file of the connected 3D fragment in the variable editor by changing the variable parameters (see the details in the Variable Creation section).

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Disconnecting from the 3D connector

The connection with the 3D connector is maintained until it is disconnected. This means that if the values of the source 3D fragment (bolt diameter) change, then the values of the connected 3D fragment (washer diameter) will also be changed.

Information about the relevance of the connection can be viewed in the variables dialog of the connected 3D fragment. The dialog can be opened by calling the Variables option from the context menu of the model tree for the connected 3D fragment, or in the 3D Fragment insertion command(Variables tab).

If a variable dialog has not been created for the connected fragment, a list of variables of the connected 3D fragment will be opened, where the connection with the 3D connector is also displayed (see below).

To disconnect from the 3D connector, you should manually change the value of the associated external variable of the connected 3D fragment. In this case, a window appears with confirmation of disconnection.


You can also disconnect from the 3D connector by switching to the list of variables (the Variables List checkbox).


The connection with the 3D connector is displayed with a special symbol ConnectorLink. To break the connection, press the Левый клик Текст on the symbol and disable the option From the connector.


After clicking, the symbol will turn gray and the connection will be broken. To restore the connection, you need to click on the 3D connector symbol again and select the desired named value.


Specifying associated elements for the 3D connector

To set the elements associated with the 3D connector, use the option:



Select Associated Elements

After selecting the option, the system enters the mode to select the elements that will activate the 3D connector when the cursor hovers over them. To attach elements to the 3D connector, you need to select them using the cursor in the 3D window. The selected items fall into the list of associated items in the options window.

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A selection of 3D nodes, operations, faces, edges, cycles and vertices is available.

Insertion rules

For a connector, so-called "insertion rules" can be additionally defined. These are additional transformations of movement or rotation relative to the coordinate axes of the 3D connector, which the system will automatically prompt the user to perform when the fragment is attached to this 3D connector. For example, when tying a nut to a bolt 3D connector, in practice it is always necessary to specify additional movement of the nut along the bolt axis. Therefore, when designing a bolt model, you need to specify in the insertion rules for its 3D connector to move along the X-axis of the 3D connector.