Full Regeneration

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The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Parameters > Tools > Regenerate > Full Regeneration


Textual Menu

<3RG>, <Shift>+<F7>

Tools > Full Regeneration

The command can also be called from the View Toolbar.

This command can regenerate each element, unlike the Regenerate command, which regenerates only changed elements.

The following dialog window pops-up after calling the command:

09_FullRegen1        09_FullRegen2

The dialog contains following checkboxes:

Drawing 2D Projections
If this checkbox is enabled, pressing OK will will update only changed 3D elements (similar to Regenerate command) and all projections which don't have Update: Manually parameter.

Drawing projections which have Update: Manually parameter are not updated on full regeneration, no matter which checkboxes are enabled or disabled here. Use the Update selected element command for updating such projections.

3D Elements
If this checkbox is enabled, all 3D objects and their dependent projections are regenerated.

If both Drawing 2D Projections and 3D Elements checkboxes are enabled, the full regeneration is performed. If both checkboxes are disabled, the optimal regeneration is performed (Regenerate command).

Allows to update files used in the current document (fragments, images, data bases). In the adjacent drop-down list you can choose between updating only links detected as out of date and updating all links:

oChanged Only
Similar to Automatic Link Update

Similar to Update Links.

Product Composition
Allows to update all product compositions created in the document.

Reports/Bills of Materials
Updates all reports and bills of materials created in the document.

T-FLEX DOCs files in Working Folder
This checkbox is available only in the T-FLEX DOCs integration mode. It synchronizes files in local working folder with files stored on T-FLEX DOCs server.

Drawing Views
Updates all drawing views in the document.

Synchronize with T-FLEX DOCs
This checkbox is available only in the T-FLEX DOCs integration mode. It allows to transfer from DOCs to CAD data defined by integration rules.

Updates all library symbols in the document

Layout Elements
This checkbox enables/disables the Unspecified Roughness and Drawing Notes checkboxes. It is available, only if both mentioned checkboxes are displayed.

oUnspecified Roughness
This checkbox is available, when calling the command from a 2D window, if the current page contains unspecified roughness symbol. It allows to update such symbol.

oDrawing Notes
This checkbox is available, when calling the command from a 2D window, if the current page contains drawing notes. It allows to update such notes.

If you need to update all Layout Elements on all pages at once, use the Update Layout Elements command

Select All
Enables/disables all of the aforementioned checkboxes.

Show this dialog only with the pressed Shift key
Enabling this checkbox will make this window pop-up upon further calls to the command only when holding <Shift>.


If current document is opened from the T-FLEX DOCs in the integration mode then the Full Regeneration window contains additional checkboxes allowing you to update T-FLEX DOCs files in Working Folder and Synchronize with DOCs data defined by integration rules.