View Windows

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A single document window may contain several view windows. View windows can be managed using:

Views Placement command;


window split commands;


You can also save the fixed set of windows.

Views Placement

The command can be called in one of the following ways:




View > Window > Views Placement

Graphs > Window > Views Placement


Textual Menu


Window > Views Placement

The command is also available in the top of the View Toolbar.

The View Placement dialog pops-up upon calling the command. It allows to select the desired configuration of view windows in the current document window.


Click mouse left on buttons located in the upper part of the dialog allows you to select one of the preset view windows configurations. Preset configurations contains following types of view windows arranged in several orders:

View2D25x25 2D views (drawing pages);

View3D1.25x25 View3D2.25x25 3D views with free rotation;

View3DFront25x25 View3DLeft25x25 View3DTop25x25 3D views with fixed camera orientation.


The area below preset configurations is split into four parts. Each part contains a drop-down list. This represents the splitting of the document window. Enable/disable the checkbox near the bottom left drop-down to enable/disable splitting of the document window along vertical axis. Enable/disable the checkbox near the top right drop-down to enable/disable splitting of the document window along horizontal axis. Type of view for a particular part of a window can be selected in a corresponding drop-down list. Unlike preset configurations, more view types are available in drop-down-lists:

2D view (drawing page);

3D view (with free rotation);

Database Editor;

SE Graph;

Graph Editor;

Photorealistic View.


The Main Window: field contains the name of the current main window.


Enabling the Set as default checkbox applies the selected view windows layout as default for all new document windows in the current session. With this checkbox enabled the Views Placement dialog does not appear upon creating a new document window. Ending the current session and starting a new one disables this option.


When the window is divided into parts, the active window is highlighted with a frame, the color of which is set in the System Options. The default color is orange.


View windows layout for a particular document is saved upon saving such document.

Splitting adjustment using the mouse

Proportions of splitting a document window into several view windows may be adjusted using the mouse. Get the cursor over the vertical or horizontal splitting line. The cursor's symbol changes to Splitter20x20. Then you can hold Левый клик Текст and drag the mouse. Splitting line will follow the cursor until you release Левый клик Текст . Moving splitting line beyond the border of the working area closes view windows adjacent to said border.

Window split commands




View > Window > Split Horizontally


Textual Menu


Window > Split Horizontally

The command toggles splitting the active document window into two view windows by the horizontal line.




View > Window > Split Vertically


Textual Menu


Window > Split Vertically

The command toggles splitting the active document window into two view windows by the vertical line.


Enabling horizontal and vertical splitting at the same time makes active document window split into four views.

If 2D view is active, these commands add 3D view windows (with free rotation); otherwise they add 2D view windows.

Window split commands are also available in bottom left corner of the active view window:


Enabling a split highlights a button of a corresponding command.

Splitting the window using ruler

Rulers in 2D windows contain buttons for toggling the window split. Vertical split button is located at the right end of the horizontal ruler. Horizontal split button is located on the bottom end of the vertical ruler.


If a single view window is open at the moment, clicking the vertical split button creates a new 3D view window to the right side of the current window.

If two horizontally split view windows are open at the moment, clicking the vertical split button creates two new 3D windows. If vertical splitting is already applied, clicking the button removes splitting and closes the right view window.

Horizontal split button works in the similar way.

Fixed set of windows

The layout of view windows in the current document can be fixed by enabling the Fixed set of windows checkbox in the Document Parameters dialog (Document Parameters > Document > 3D) and saving the document. Upon next opening of such document, layout of view windows will be the same as at the moment of saving. Changing the layout will be unavailable.

Topics in this section:

Presentation Mode

Full Screen