Sketch > Point

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To construct a regular point, call the following command:




Draw > Sketch > Point

Workplane > Sketch > Point


Textual Menu



Automenu of the Sketch20x20 <SK> Sketch command



This option allows creating a free 2D node, without exiting the Sketch command.

In order to create a node, move the cursor over the desired position in the drawing window and click mouse left.

Exact values of node's coordinates can be typed in the parameters window. When inputting coordinates, you can use hot keys and checkboxes fixing values.


Unlike older versions, when creating graphic lines in T-FLEX CAD 17, all characteristic points (the ends of segments, spline inflection points, circle centers, etc.) are not independent nodes. They can be snapped to other objects and other objects can be snapped to them, using object snappings, points can be moved, but all actions with them are possible only within the editing of the graphic line.

When creating sketch lines, their characteristic points can be snapped to 2D nodes using object snappings. Unlike snapping to other characteristic points, snapping a point to a 2D node creates an associative link between the node and the point, similar to the Coincident constraint. In result, the point moves along with the node, when moving the node and vice versa. For instance, if you snap endpoints of two line segments to a node, then endpoints of both segments will move along with the node, when moving the node. Thus you can connect lines without creating constraints.


The same can be done with characteristic points of other sketch elements. For instance, snapping a center of a circle to a node allows you to move the circle, when moving the node, and vice versa.

Snapping of sketch lines' characteristic points to 2D nodes work differently for nodes of different types.

A link between a free 2D node and a characteristic point of a sketch line is created, only when snapping a point to a node. It doesn't work in reverse. I.e., if you create a free 2D node at a characteristic point of an existing line, using object snappings, then the node and the point will move independently of each other, upon further changes.

A link between a 2d node and a characteristic point of a sketch line (except a connected node created at a characteristic point of a line) can be broken. To do so, enter the sketch line Edit20x20 editing mode and click mouse left a point linked to a node. The point will start follow the cursor independently of the node. Set a new point's position, click mouse left again and finish line editing. The link will be broken.

For any sketch line, except spline, this method only allows breaking links. Coinciding a point of a line with a node using object snapping during line's editing, does not create a link, so the point and the node will move independently of each other, upon further changes.

A point of a spline can be linked to a 2D node by coinciding them using object snapping during spline's editing.

The transparent editing of 2D elements is enabled by default (Options > 2D > 2D > Transparent element editing), so the editing command is launched automatically upon selecting a sketch line in a drawing window.

When a sketch line is selected or being edited, its characteristic points have different appearance depending on, whether they're linked to 2D nodes.


1 - the point linked to the node

2 - the point not linked to any node