The command can be called in one of the following ways:
Icon |
Ribbon |
Draw > Draw > Graphic Line > Graphic Line Workplane > Draw > Graphic Line > Graphic Line |
Keyboard |
Textual Menu |
<G> |
Draw > Graphic Line |
The Image command allows you to draw graphic lines. There are 2 drawing modes: constrained drawing mode and free drawing mode. You can also create custom graphic lines. Snapping
and graphic lines are drawn to construction elements (lines, nodes), to the points of articulation of graphic lines constructed using the Sketch command or belonging to 2D projections.
There are the following types of graphic lines.
•A straight line segment between two nodes. The beginning and end of the graphic line are determined by the position of these nodes.
•Complete construction line. Such an image line is specified only by a construction line. A construction line of any type can be used as a reference construction line, except for a straight line (since it is infinite).
•A section of a construction line bounded by two nodes. Such an image line is defined by a construction line that defines its shape and two nodes that define its boundaries.
You can use graphic lines to create chamfers and fillets.
After calling the command, the following actions are available:
<Enter> |
Select a node or create a node at the closest intersection of construction lines |
<Ctrl>+<F> |
Free mode off |
<Ctrl>+<F> |
Free mode on |
<P> |
Set Graphic line Parameters |
<Alt>+<P> |
Copy Properties from Existing Element |
<Tab> |
Change arc direction |
<N> |
Select ending Node of Graphic line |
<L> |
Select straight Construction Line |
<C> |
Select Construction circle |
<E> |
Select full Ellipse Contour |
<S> |
Select full Spline or Polyline Contour |
<Q> |
Creation of graphic lines between two intersections of construction lines |
<BackSpace> |
Delete last Contour segment |
<F4> |
Execute Edit Graphics command |
<Esc> |
Cancel selection (available only when selecting a construction entity) |
You can apply different types of image lines:
•Arc of a circle
•Ellipse arc
•Spline, equidistant, curve defined by function
•Arc of a spline, equidistant, a curve given by a function
Selecting a drawing mode. Free mode on and free mode off drawing modes.
Options and
<Ctrl>+<F> allow you to select one of two modes for creating construction elements - nodes in the T-FLEX system. Either main mode (free mode off drawing), in which the created node is the intersection point of construction lines, or free mode on, when the node is not connected to other structural elements, and its position is determined by the absolute coordinates of the drawing. In this case, both free and connected nodes can be present in the same drawing. When creating a graphic line, nodes can be created automatically, so it is always important to know which drawing mode is set. The icon in the automatic menu not only allows you to switch the mode, but also signals which mode is currently set. If an icon
is present, then the free mode off is enabled, if the icon is
, then the free mode on is enabled. In addition to the icon, the appearance of the cursor and the nodes being created will help in determining the drawing mode. If the cursor and nodes are drawn in the form of a cross, then the connected drawing mode is enabled, if in the form of a square - the free drawing mode.
The (<BkSpace>) option removes the last plotted area of the graphic line. After that, you can continue to create graphic lines.
Automatic Creation of Graphic Line between Two Intersections of Construction Lines
The option is intended to enable/disable the mode of creating graphic lines between the intersections of construction lines. This mode allows you to create an image line passing along the construction line in the area between its intersections with other construction lines, with one click.
To create a graphic line, move the cursor to a construction line (straight, circle, ellipse, spline, polyline) intersecting with other construction lines, and click . Depending on the location of the cursor, the system finds the two nearest intersection points of construction lines and creates a graphic line and nodes at its ends. When several lines intersect at one point, a node is created between the lines created earlier than others.
If in this mode, holding down the left mouse button, move the cursor along the construction line, then the construction line will automatically continue (or shorten) in the required direction.
Double-clicking on a construction line creates a graphic line on the entire construction line (except for a straight line).
If a graphic line was created using this command, then you cannot recreate a graphic line of the same color at that location. If necessary, you can change the line color or hide the previously drawn line.
Selecting a starting node
The (<Enter>) option allows you to mark a node as the start or end point of a graphic line. In connected drawing mode, clicking
marks a node at the closest intersection of construction lines, if it exists; otherwise, a new node is created and marked at this point. In freehand mode, either a new node is created, or an existing one is marked. An existing node is flagged if the graphic cursor was within the node detection area. The size of this zone is set in the Node Joint Distance (pixels) parameter of the "Options" > "2D" command. The size of the zone is set in pixels.
Thus, if there are no selected nodes and construction lines, then the option selects the nearest node. Further, from the selected node to the mouse cursor, a dynamic image of the created line is drawn. In connected drawing mode, either the nearest node or the closest point of intersection of construction lines is searched, and a node is created at this point. In free drawing mode, the nearest node is searched for - a node within the detection zone. If, when pointing with the cursor, a node enters this zone, then it is marked. Otherwise, a new free node is created.
Option (<N>) works similarly to option
, but unlike it, only existing nodes can be checked. No new nodes are created.
The following variant of determining the initial node is also possible: the construction line is selected (options <L>, <C>, <S>, <E>). After specifying the element, an image of the node dynamically moving along the selected line will appear. Then the second construction line is selected - the initial node will be highlighted at the point of their intersection closest to the cursor (if the node was not there, then it will be created). In this case, marking the construction line means that the initial node of the future graphic line will necessarily be on this straight line. In this case, the second construction line will remain highlighted and will be considered selected for creating the graphic line.
If the selected construction lines do not have intersection points, then no action is taken.
It should be noted that the junction point of the "2D fragment" or "2D projection" image lines can be selected as the start/end node.
Selecting a construction line
The selection of the construction line is carried out using one of the options:
<L> |
Select construction line - straight |
<C> |
Draw a circle |
<E> |
Draw an ellipse |
<S> |
Draw a spline |
It should be noted that when object snapping is enabled, construction lines will be available for selection by simply hovering the mouse cursor over them (in this case, the element will be highlighted and an on-screen tip indicating its type and identifier will appear), so the use of automenu icons is optional.
Option (<L>) allows to mark the construction line as a straight line. The operation of this option depends on the current state (whether there is already a marked node or construction line).
Option (<C>) allows to mark construction line - circle. If there is a marked node, then pressing <C> means creating an arc.
Option (<E>) allows to mark construction line - ellipse. If there is a marked node, then pressing <E> means creating an arc.
Option (<S>) allows to mark construction line - spline. If there is a marked node, then pressing <S> means creating an arc.
If only the starting node is selected, then only those construction lines on which the already marked node is located will be available for selection. The starting node remains marked and the node cursor begins to move along the selected line. This means that the end node of the future graphic line can be selected at the intersection of this line with another construction line (if there is no node at the intersection point, it will be created automatically).
Selecting an end node
The options for selecting an end node depend on the selected items.
•The starting node is selected. Options and
(<N>) create a graphic line - a straight line segment from the first selected node to the node selected or created when using them. In this case, the second node is marked and the cursor is anchored to it with a dynamic display of the line. The construction line selection options allow you to specify the end node of the graphic line belonging to the specified line.
•The start node and construction line are selected. The and
(<N>) options allow you to specify an end node belonging to the selected construction line or create it at the intersection point with another construction line.
Construction line selection options allow you to select (create) an end node at the intersection point of the selected construction elements (already selected construction line and newly specified). An image line is drawn from the initial node to the newly selected node (a straight line segment or an arc, depending on the construction line previously selected). In this case, the newly selected node and construction line are marked. The node cursor moves along the last selected line. If the specified lines do not have intersection points, then no action is taken. This method is convenient to use in the case when several construction lines intersect at one point, and the graphic line must end at the point of intersection of two specific lines.
When you select a line to draw a circle or ellipse in the automenu, the icon (<Z>) becomes available, with which you can change the direction of the arc to the opposite.
Basic rules for constructing graphic lines
The user needs to remember a few basic rules:
•If you want to avoid mistakes when building a parametric drawing, then use the <N> option to draw graphic lines. It is not recommended to use the <Enter> option if more than two construction lines intersect at one point.
•If there is a selected node, then the graphic line always starts at this node.
•If you try to select a construction line with a selected node, then the selected node must belong to the selected line.
•If, with the selected construction line and the selected node, another construction line is selected, then a graphic line is created that starts at the selected node and ends at the intersection of the selected lines.
•If the construction lines have more than one intersection point (line and circle), then the point is selected, to which the graphic cursor was closer at the moment of pressing the key.
•If nothing happens when you select a construction line, then in this situation the lines do not have intersection points and it is impossible to build an image line.
Using a grid in freehand drawing mode
If the snap to grid mode is set, then when you enter the end points of the graphic line, they will be located at the nearest grid nodes. You can set the parameters of the grid using the "Grid" command. For the grid, you can set a different step along the vertical and horizontal axes, with different offsets relative to the origin of coordinates on both axes. The snapping to the grid will be performed regardless of whether the grid is visible on the screen or not. When you enter a graphic line, the system panel displays the coordinates of the closest grid node relative to the current position of the mouse cursor. If the free drawing mode is enabled and the snapping to grid mode is not set, the graphic line can be created in an arbitrary place in the drawing area. It does not require anchoring to any construction lines.
Topics in this section:
•Chamfer and Fillet on Graphic Lines by 2D Constructs
See Also: