Graphic Line Parameters

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Parameters Window

Following parameters are displayed in the Parameters tool window during creation and editing of graphic lines:


These parameters are described in the description of the Standard tab of the graphic line parameters dialog. The dialog additionally contains other parameters not displayed in the Parameters tool window.

When creating a line using sketch commands, some command-specific parameters may be additionally available in the lower section of the Parameters tool window.

Parameters Dialog

The parameters dialog ParametersSmall of a graphic line can be invoked in one of the following ways:

by double-clicking mouse leftmouse left the line in 2D or 3D view window or in SWModelElements20x20 Model Elements window;

from the contextual menu, invoked by clicking mouse right the line in 2D or 3D view window or in SWModelElements20x20 Model Elements window;

from the dynamic toolbar, displayed upon selecting the line in 2D window, if the transparent editing of 2D elements is disabled;

from the automenu of the Graphic Line command and sketch commands.

The parameters dialog of a graphic line contains following tabs:



See Also:

Default Parameters

Defining Element Parameters

Copying Parameters of 2D Elements