Default Parameters

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When creating 2D and 3D elements, some of element's parameters are not mandatory to be defined by the user (line type; name, size and style of a text's font, extrusion's length, primitives' dimensions etc.). Such parameters are initially applied with default values. Then the user can confirm the element's creation with default parameters or change parameters' values for the current element if necessary. Full set of parameters applied by default to all new elements of a particular type can be changed using:

element's parameters dialog;

command's parameters window.

Also, some of the general (layer, level, color, priority, material) default parameters can be changed using:

Defaults command;

ribbon or system toolbar.

Changing default parameters using element's parameters dialog


The Set as default checkbox is available in the left bottom part of the ParametersSmall parameters dialog of any element. Enabling this checkbox applies parameters of a selected element as default parameters for any of the newly created elements of the same type.

Parameters dialog can be called either for an existing element, using its contextual menu, or for an element, which is currently being created, using the automenu option available in the most element's creation commands:



Set entity Parameters

Usually, the dialog invoked by this option is the same as the dialog invoked from contextual menus of existing elements. Therefore, specified parameters are only applied to the first element created after clicking OK in the dialog. In order to apply specified parameters as defaults, you need to enable the Set as default checkbox as described above. However, in some commands (e.g.: graphic line, text) the parameters dialog invoked from the automenu doesn't contain the Set as default checkbox. In such cases specified parameters are automatically applied as defaults for all further created elements of the same type.

Changing default parameters using command's parameters window


The header of command's parameters window for some command contains the Save as Default Parameters button. Clicking it applies parameters currently set in the parameters window as defaults for all further created elements of the same type.

The Defaults command

For convenience of drawing creation, common parameters can be defined for 2D and 3D drawing elements, such as color, layer, level and priority, and, additionally for 3D operations, the material. The selected parameters are assigned to the newly created elements by default, but only for those whose types were selected from the list.

The following command is used for setting the default parameters: Set Default Parameters:




Edit> Document > Defaults


Textual Menu


Customize > Defaults

The command brings up the Default Parameters dialog box.


The right side of the dialog box contains the list of all element types – construction, graphic, detailing elements, etc. Enable checkboxes for elements, whose parameters you need to change. To enable all checkboxes at once, use the [+] button. Vise versa, to disable all checkboxes, click the [-] button. The [+/-] button inverts the selection.

the left side of the dialog box contains the list of available parameters. To change a parameter, enable its checkbox. Otherwise, this parameter will not be accessible for editing. Some parameters can not be applied to some types of elements. For example, a Material can be defined only for 3D operations. Material can be ether selected from the drop-down list or defined via variables (type a name of variable into the Expression input box).

Should different default parameters be assigned to different elements, call the Default Parameters dialog box over again.

For example, suppose, we need to set the default color blue for graphic lines. Besides, let the newly created detailing elements be moved on a new special layer. To do so, call the Defaults command twice. On the first time, enable only the Graphic Lines checkbox in the right list, enable the Color checkbox in the left list and define the desired setting which is the blue color. Then complete the first round by pressing OK. On the second time, enable checkboxes for the detailing elements – GD&T Formlimit Symbols, Roughness Symbols, Leader Notes, Dimensions, and disable the checkbox on the Graphic Lines element. Then enable the Layer checkbox and set the value as desired. And don't forget to disable the Color checkbox. To complete the second round, press OK. Now, when creating graphic lines, call the Graphic Line Parameters dialog box by typing <P> key and see that the Color parameter is set to blue color. Similarly, watch the new default parameters of the detailing elements.

Changing default parameters using ribbon or system toolbar


While creating elements, some parameters (layer, level, color, priority, material, coating) can be modified using the ribbon or the system toolbar. The Style group containing the aforementioned parameters is located in the left side of many of the ribbon tabs. If parameters on the ribbon or the system toolbar are modified while some of the 2D elements creation commands is active, then these parameters are set as default for the current element type. In the case when no command is active, then after modifying a parameter the Default Parameters dialog box appears (see above), where you should define what types of elements should use the modified parameters as defaults. If parameters on the ribbon or the system toolbar are modified while some of the 3D elements creation commands is active, defaults remain unchanged, while the modified parameters are only applied to the element which is being created at the current moment.

See also:

Defining Element Parameters

Copying Parameters of 2D Elements

Common Parameters of 3D Elements