Inserting Position Numbers into Text

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The following commands are available to insert the position number into the text:

Position number from T-FLEX CAD Product Composition
It is used to work with a modern mechanism of creating the product composition.

Position number from T-FLEX DOCs
It is used to work with the T-FLEX DOCs product structure in integration mode.

BOM position number
It is used to work with the old mechanism of creating bill of materials.

When the display of variable names is enabled, the position number is displayed as {pos.1} where 1 is the value of the number.

The inserted number retains an associative relationship with the selected record. If the position number in the product composition has changed, then in order to automatically update the corresponding number in the text, you need to call the FullRegeneration20x20 Full Regeneration command. In order to update a record from the T-FLEX CAD product composition, the Product Composition checkbox must be enabled in the regeneration command's dialog. In order to update records from T-FLEX DOCs and old BoM, the Reports/Bills of Materials checkbox must be enabled.

Position number from T-FLEX CAD Product Composition

When editing the text content in a 2D or 3D view window, the item number from the product composition is inserted into the text using the auto menu:



Insert position number from product composition

In addition, this command is available in the contextual menu (InsertUnfold10x10White Position20x20 Product Composition Position Number... <Alt>+<F7>).

When editing the text content in the editor, this command is not available.

After calling the command, you need to select mouse left the line of the necessary entry in theSWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition tool window. If this window is closed, when the command is called, it will be opened automatically. After selecting the necessary line, its position number will appear in the text.

Position number from T-FLEX DOCs

This command works only in the T-FLEX DOCs integration mode, if the product structure of the current document is saved in DOCs.

When editing the text content in a 2D or 3D view window, the position number from T-FLEX DOCs is inserted into the text using the automenu:



Insert position number from product composition (T-FLEX DOCs)

In addition, this command is available in the contextual menu (InsertUnfold10x10White Position20x20 Product Number (T-FLEX DOCs) <Alt>+<F8>).

When editing the text content in the editor, this command is not available.

After calling the command, you need to select mouse left the line of the necessary entry in the DOCsPES20x20 T-FLEX DOCs Product Structure service window. If this window is closed, when the command is called, it will be opened automatically. After selecting the necessary line, its position number will appear in the text.

BOM position number

This command works only if there is a BoM created using the old mechanism exists in the current document.

When editing the text content in a 2D or 3D view window, the item number from the BOM is inserted into the text using the automenu:



Insert position number from BOM

In addition, this command is available in the contextual menu (InsertUnfold10x10White Position20x20 BOM Position Number <Alt>+<F10>).

When editing the text content in the editor, this command is available on the Standard toolbar, as well as in the drop-down menu (Insert > BOM Position Number).

Calling the command invokes the Select BOM Record window:


The name of the BOM is displayed in quotes in the title bar of the window. If there are multiple specifications in a document, the first one in the list is used.

Select mouse left the line of the necessary entry in the selection window. The position number of the selected entry will be inserted into the text. The behavior of the window after selecting the entry depends on the state of the PositionVisibility20x20 Keep Visible option.

In the record selection window, the View drop-down menu is available, which allows you to turn off/on the display of the Status Bar and Toolbar in this window. The following options of the record selection window are available on the toolbar, as well as in the View menu:

ZoomIn20x20 Zoom In
Zooms in the camera. Only available in the toolbar.

ZoomOut20x20 Zoom Out
Zooms out the camera. Only available in the toolbar.

Select scale from the list (200%, 150%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%). Only available in the menu.

ZoomArea20x20 Zoom
Opens a dialog where you can enter an arbitrary scale value.


NonPrintableChars20x20 Show Unprintable Symbols

VariableNames20x20 Show Variable Name

BoMMerge20x20 Merge Records
Similar to the Merge Records checkbox in the old BOM parameters dialog.

PositionLock20x20 Save Link to BOM for Position Number

PositionVisibility20x20 Keep Visible
If the option is enabled (by default), then after selecting a record, the selection window remains on the screen. Otherwise, after selecting an entry, the selection window is automatically closed.

See also:

Product Composition (modern mechanism)

Working with BOM on Prototypes (old mechanism)