Working with Legacy BOM

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This sections contains information on BOMs generated by mechanism used in previous versions of the system (BOM by prototype). In T-FLEX CAD 14 and later, it is recommended to use the mechanism of creating BOM by template.

BOM (Bill of Materials) is a text-based table containing data on the fragments included in the assembly drawing. If necessary, the assembly drawing can contain several BOM. The creation of a new BOM is based on the BOM prototype. Standard BOM prototypes are located in the ...Program/Template/BOM directory. Creation of prototypes is described in the Prototype of Legacy BOM section.

The Tools > Reports/Bill of Materials section of the textual menu contains commands listed below for working with BOMs of the current T-FLEX CAD document.

The New command allows you to create a new BOM.




The Reports/BOMs List command is designed to work with the list of BOMs (allows you to create a new one, delete or set the parameters of the selected BOM). If there are multiple BOMs, the Callouts command (see below) is executed based on the active BOM.



Reports/BOMs List

The Delete command allows you to delete a BOM. If there are several BOMs, a window appears for selecting the BOM to be deleted from the list.




The Update All command allows you to update the tables and positions of the active BOM.



Update All

The Update Callouts command allows you to update positions.



Update Callouts

The Callouts command allows you to set the positions of the assembly drawing.




The Edit command allows you to change the contents and parameters of the BOM table. If there are several BOMs, a window for selecting a BOM appears first.




The Toggle Assembly/BOM command allows you to switch between an assembly drawing and a BOM if the BOM is on a different page or document. If there are multiple BOMs, a window appears first to select the BOM to switch to.



Toggle Assembly/BOM

The Export command allows you to export the BOM data or the BOM itself to an Excel file (*.xls/*.xlsx).




The Included Fragments command allows you to view and/or change the value of the Include in New Product Composition parameter for all fragments that exist in the document.



Included Fragments

The Sections command allows you to make changes to the database file containing information about the sections of the BOM (by default, this is the BOM Groups.xml file). You can set/change the name and path of the sections database in the system options dialog (Options > Bill of Materials > Folders > BOM Sections).




The Product Composition Types command is intended for creating new BOMs and editing the parameters of existing ones.



Product Composition Types