Selection of Elements

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In order to select an element, move the cursor over it and press mouse left. In order to add an element to the selection move the cursor over it and press mouse left+<Shift>. In order to select multiple elements at once, use a frame or curve selection. In order to exclude an element from the selection, move the cursor over it and press mouse left+<Ctrl>.  In order to clear the selection, press mouse left over an empty space of 3D scene or drawing. In addition to 3D and 2D view windows, elements may be selected in various tool windows.

You can also select elements by clicking them with mouse right. It invokes a contextual menu, which contains various commands applicable to the selected element.


When selecting elements in 2D or 3D window, you can use object snapping and selection hints. The set of elements available for selection in 2D and 3D windows is managed using the Filter20x20 Filter command, the Selector Selector command and active filters of elements type.

Only visible elements are selectable in 2D and 3D windows by default, including the elements overlapped by other visible elements. The visibility of elements dependson the visibility of their Layers20x20 layer and on the specified Levels20x20 levels and intervals of visibility. You may also Hide20x20 hide and show particular elements individually or by type.

Alternatively, elements may be selected by name or ID using the Find20x20 Find command.

Topics in this section:

Object Snappings

Selection Hints (Tooltips)



Frame and Curve Selection

Filters of Elements Type