Bend Note

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The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Title Block > Bend table > Bend Note

Sheet Metal (2D) > Bend table > Bend Note


Textual Menu


Operation > Sheet Metal > Bend Note

Title Block > Bend table > Bend Note


Unfolding drawing with bending lines noted

The command can be used for designating bend lines on a drawing by placing Leader20x20 leader notes, whose text contain a Bend Number parameter of a linked item from the Bend Table product composition. If there's no such product composition, it will be created automatically upon calling the Bend Note command.

Bend notes can be created either automatically at once for all available bend lines (if drawing contains an unfolded view), or manually one by one.

Automatic bend notes creation

If an unfolded view, is already placed on a drawing, then the preview of bend notes automatically appear on it for all bend lines. Arrows of auto-created bend notes are attached to midpoints of corresponding bend lines. Then you can confirm notes creation AutomenuOk1 or use additional options:



Callout Without Leader

Activating this option makes length of leader note's arrows equal to zero, i.e. shoulders are placed right at the starting node. Deactivate the option for restoring notes' default appearance.




Group Alignment of Callouts

When this option is active, previews of bend notes are automatically aligned and follow the cursor. Click Левый клик Текст to fix notes' location. Group alignment of callouts is not available, while the Callout Without Leader option is active.



Show Product Composition Window

Activating/deactivating this option opens/closes the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window.

By default, if there is an unfolded view on a drawing, notes are automatically created for all items from the Bend Table product composition, upon calling the Bend Note command. You can cancel selection of all items using the following option:



Cancel Elements Selection

Following option can be applied for re-selecting all items:



Select All Elements

After confirming AutomenuOk1 bend notes creation they can be edited in the same way as generic Leader20x20 leader notes, e.g.: customize shape and position of arrows, add additional shoulders, change parameters of arrows.

If there's no unfolded view on a drawing, then the automatic bend notes creation is unavailable.

Manual bend notes creation

Instead of creating all notes at once automatically, you can create them manually one by one for each bend line. To do so, selectmouse left the desired item in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window upon calling the Bend Note command. In result the Leader20x20 Leader Note command gets called with the Bend Number of selected item used as leader note's Text. Then the creation of a bend note is performed in the same way as creating a generic leader note. In the meantime, the corresponding bend line gets highlighted on the unfolded view (if there is such view on a drawing). However, you are not forced to snap the note to the highlighted line. Instead you can place it anywhere you like, even outside the unfolded view. If you select additional items in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window,  while creating a note, then the corresponding bend numbers will be added to additional shoulders. Selected items are highlighted. After confirming creation of a particular note, the system returns to the Bend Note command, so you can go on with creating more notes. Meanwhile, the highlighting of items, whose notes are already created, remains active in the SWProductComposition20x20 Product Composition window, After creating all necessary notes, use the following option:




In result, the system will switch to the starting state of the Callouts command, because the Bend Note command is the sub-mode of the Callouts. Next you may proceed working with the Callouts command or quit it AutomenuCancel1.