2D Node

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The command can be called in one of the following ways:




Draw > Construct > Node

Assembly > Assembly > Node

Workplane > Construct > Node


Textual Menu


Construct > Node

2D node represent a point, which can be used for snapping various 2D elements.

Main types of 2D nodes and their symbols in the drawing window:

2DNodeConnected15x15 - Connected node
The position of the node is fully defined by position of other 2D elements.

2DNodeSemiConnected15x15 - Semi-connected node
The position of the node is defined by offset from construction lines or other nodes.

2DNodeFree15x15 - Free node
The position of the node is defined by absolute coordinates in coordinate system of the current page, workplane or drawing view.

2DNodeFragment15x15 - Node from fragment
The position of the node in the current document is defined by the position of a node created within a document of 2D fragment.

2DNodeProjected15x15 - Projection of 3D node
The position of the 2D node is defined by the position of a 3D node.

You can customize size of node symbols (in pixels), using the system options dialog (Options > 2D > 2D > Node Size).

Methods of creating nodes of each type are described individually in sections describing particular types.


Following options are available in the automenu, upon calling the Node command:



Free mode on/off toggle

Some methods of nodes creation are only available in a particular mode. Free nodes can only be created in the free mode. The automenu displays the currently active mode. InputType2 - icon of the free drawing mode, InputType1 - icon of the connected drawing mode. Activating the option switches the mode.



Set Node Parameters

This option invokes the node parameters dialog.



Select Line to Create Node



Select Circle to Create Node



Select Ellipse to Create Node



Select Spline to Create Node



Select Node for relative Node creation

These options can be used for selecting construction elements, when creating connected and semi-connected nodes.

Upon activating an option via the keyboard, an element of the corresponding type nearest to the cursor get selected automatically.

Upon activating an option via the mouse, you have to click mouse left within the drawing window, which results in automatic selection of an element of the corresponding type nearest to the clicking position.

Alternatively you can select construction elements without activating these options: just move the cursor over an element and click mouse left.

The spline selection option may also be used for selecting a 2D path, offset curve or function spline.



Select Fragment to create Node



Select Fragment from list

These option are used, when creating a node from fragment.



Select 2D projection

This option is used, when creating a projection of a 3D node.



Edit Node

This option invokes the 2D nodes editing command.



Exit command

Topics in this section:

Connected 2D Node

Semi-Connected 2D Node

Free 2D Node

2D Node from Fragment

2D Node as Projection of 3D Node

2D Node Parameters

Edit 2D Node